harry potter x reader

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  * revised / rewritten

you and harry had been dating for a long time now, and tomorrow would be your one year anniversary. you were more than excited to spend the majority of your day with your loving boyfriend. the next morning, you did nothing but primp and pamper yourself so you'd look even more amazing than you usually do for harry.
as you exited the girls dorms and walked into the gryffindor common room, you had a bright smile on your face. the first thing you noticed when you walked out was ronald weasley sitting on the sofa. you liked ron, but the two of you weren't very close. not close enough for you to sit down and have a conversation with him, at least.

you smiled and gave him a short wave as you continued to walk out of the common room. he returned the gesture of course, but then his eyes widened and he jumped out of his spot on the sofa to stop you.

"um, y/n... just wait a minute."

you turned around to look at him and nodded your head in a way, as to say "go on". rons face got more and more red as he spoke.

"harry mentioned to me that he would be busy... today. and, he just wanted me to tell you.."

your smile quickly faded.

"he's busy? today...?" ron nodded.

you became furious. you stormed back into the girls dorms and slammed the door shut. the only other person in the dorms was hermione, who was doing homework on her bed. she moved her head to look at you, but didn't move her eyes from the parchment before her.

"y/n? what's going on?"

"your little friend is being a cunt." that sentence fully caught her attention. her eyes widened before speaking again.

"what? who? y/n, you know i'd hex someone for you." you softly smiled at that. she smoothed out a spot on her bed for you before gesturing for you to sit down next to her. you made your way across the dorm and took a seat on the girls bed.

you told hermione what happened. every now and then a small smirk would come across her face, but you didn't notice.

"if he told me he was busy to my face, i wouldn't be this angry. maybe i wouldn't be upset at all if he'd told me in advance. but he got ron to tell me? and it's the day of? bullshit." your face was almost red just talking about the emotional turmoil stirring up in you.

hermione sighed, and before she responded, there was a knock at the door. she stood up to answer it. you couldn't see who it was, because she only cracked the door the slightest bit. their conversation was mostly mutters and whispers, so you couldn't make out what she was saying.

she opened the door fully, and you saw a head of black hair that you quickly recognized as harry's. his expression was one of guilt, but you could see the excitement in his eyes.

what the hell could he possibly be excited about?

he made eye contact with you, and you darted off of hermiones bed and right in front of his face. he nervously backed up a bit.

"how dare you do this to me? you wouldn't even tell me anything to my face? really potter?" he winced at the use of his last name.

"listen y/n, i just-"

"no, you listen. you're such a shitty boyfriend. on our anniversary? honestly, go fuck yourself." harry just stared at you blankly before walking away. it's like he knew you'd follow him.

...and you did.

"and now you're walking away from me? fuck you har- woah." he led you into an empty classroom decorated with confetti, and pictures of you and him.

you quickly caught on to what was happening.
you looked at his face sympathetically as he also looked around the room.

"happy one year, love." he said to you with a grin. he was seemingly not phased by your harsh words before. he knew this would happen.

"wait so-" you were flustered.

"so you weren't busy? and i'm guessing hermione knew too?" he nodded to both your questions.

"so why did you-?"

"just- dramatics, you know. had to put on a show, i guess. and i saved some time trying to put together all this." you frowned at the way he toyed with your feelings like that, but all of that faded away when he embraced you in a hug, to which you eagerly returned.

"sorry i was pretending to be a 'cunt'." you softly giggled and happily kissed his cheek.

everything was perfect. you and your relationship, it was all you needed in this moment.

me when i suck at writing 😁😁

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