draco malfoy x reader

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*revised / rewritten

draco is so ooc in this guys i'm sorry 🙁

draco and i have been best friends since first year. everyone in our year could tell there were some sort of feelings between us, but neither of us directly acknowledged it.

our friendship was strange to everyone else, as i was in gryffindor and he, slytherin. the entirety of the school would refer to us as the "opposites duo". i always thought that was a stupid title, but i couldn't control the thoughts of everyone else. speaking of which, no one really cared to judge us; except pansy parkinson, who's had a very obvious crush on draco since first year.

"wow l/n, you're very brave, aren't you?" i looked up from my potions work to see pansy grinning in my face. i let out a groan before responding.

"what are you on about, parkinson? can't you see i'm busy?"

"i'm on about how you keep trying to take draco from me. you know, i'm not fond of thieves very much."


"you're trying to take what's not yours. watch your back, l/n."

"well i'm not fond of pugs, yet here we are..." i muttered as she strutted away. she's always had it out for me, and still can't take a hint? i don't know how many times draco's rejected her, it's starting to get sad really.

somehow, snape (who always seems to have an eye on me), didn't notice our interaction; but draco did. he stood from his seat and walked towards me.

"are you okay, y/n? i mean- i see you didn't need my help. you must be alright." i chuckled at the way he let his concern peek through his cocky mannerisms.

"i'm alright, thank you. you know it's okay to show some emotion, yeah?"

"yeah, whatever."

after potions

narrators pov.

because potions was your last class of the day, you and the blonde walked together to dinner. as always, you received giggles and glances from the other students. this was considered normal for the two of you, as your dynamic was interesting, and the fact that most of hogwarts was waiting for draco malfoy and y/n l/n to become official.

you were waiting, too. you hoped that draco would get the hint and just ask you to be his. last year, he'd taken you to the yule ball and the two of you almost shared a kiss. you thought he would ask you out that night, but one year later and you're still preparing for the moment he grows a pair and at least tells you how he feels.

as the two of you departed and you took a seat at the gryffindor table, draco looked back at you and softly smiled. your cheeks reddened the tiniest bit and hermione who was sitting next to you giggled a bit at your flustered expression.

"what? did something happen?" you asked, confused as to why the bushy haired girl had suddenly started laughing at you.

"oh no, you're just blushing a bit..." she turned away from you and her attention returned to her food. you lifted your hand to touch your cheeks; and they were warm to the touch. you tried to cover your face before anyone else noticed, but that only made it worse.

you looked around to see if anyone was looking at you, before you exited the great hall and made your way to the girls restroom in seek of something that would mask your crimson cheeks.

you thought you went unseen, but a pair of grey eyes followed you, and soon exited the great hall in an attempt to catch your attention.

dracos pov

as soon as i noticed the reddish hue on y/ns face, i immediately wanted to follow after her. i didn't know where she was going, but i planned on stopping her. today was the day i would do it. i'd finally tell her how i feel. i don't know what sort of rush came over me, but it had to happen.

narrators pov

you continued to make your way down the hallway until a voice stopped you in your tracks.

"y/n! y/n, i need to talk to you!"
you stopped walking, and turned around to see draco malfoy chasing after you. his face was slightly red from running, and he was a bit out of breath.

you took a few steps towards him and looked up into his grey (usually intimidating), eyes.

"yes, malfoy?" he let out a groan at that.
"you don't call me that."

he hated when you called him by his last name. it felt less personal. like you were just a random person, if that makes sense.

"listen, y/n. we both know there's something between us. let's not play dumb," he muttered, slowly backing you onto a nearby wall.

"oh? draco, where's this coming from?" your heart was beating a million beats per hour. you've been waiting for this, waiting for draco to finally confess his feelings to you.

"well, you know it's been a while, hasn't it? it's about time one of us steps up and says something about it." at this point, he had you completely against the wall. his fingers came up to gently trace your jawline as you continued to stare into his eyes.



"just be quiet and kiss me."

and with that, his lips crashed onto yours as he cupped your cheeks with both of his hands. your arms hung loosely around his neck, and the two of you kissed like your lives depended on it.

for the next couple of minutes, you two stayed in the same position, until you heard someone clearing their throat and you quickly backed away from each other.

"l/n, i warned you to stay away from draco..."

pansy stood in front of you with an ugly looking expression on her face. almost immediately, dracos mouth opened to spew out some clever insult, but before it could come out, you intertwined your hands with his and simply laughed.

turning around to walk in the opposite direction of her, you glanced over your shoulder.

"oh, sod off parkison." you and your new boyfriend walked off, down the hall to do who knows what.


you and draco snuck out of your beds to stargaze on the astronomy tower. you snuggled up to him with your head on his chest. you were both looking at the sky, until he looked down to see you.

"so.. we are together, yeah?"
"no shit, malfoy."

i'm back to revise 😁
i'm trying really hard i really hate this book 😪

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