Phone Call

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Have to admit, I'm kind of obsessed with Best Of You, idk why it just gives me this feelingTM that I can't explain and I'm kind of addicted to that feeling. I need help. :)

Date: 4th Feb


Chapter 2

Katniss's POV

"Eat," Finnick tells me. For breakfast we have all been given some bread and something that... I don't know what it is. I have eaten a couple chunks of the bread, but I feel full even after my walk into the woods. "You need to eat," he insists. I take another few bites and have to stop because I feel sick.

"Right, come on," Johanna says, "you need to start eating. I never see you eating back at 13, which is extremely stupid."

"I just don't feel hungry," I say.

"How?" she retorts. "You're like a stick, you need to eat more. You didn't even look this bad after the games."

"Johanna," Finnick says, trying to spare my feelings.

"No it's okay," I answer. "Johanna's right. I... I have been skipping a couple meals."

"You mean starving yourself," she replies.

I don't answer this.

I go to throw up after Finnick and Johanna force me to eat more.

"Is there a problem, Soldier Everdeen?" Boggs asks.

"No," I reply, shaking my head and obviously lying.

He sighs. "Okay, well, make sure you keep some food in you. Go on."


I can drink at least. We are in the Capitol now, so I have to have my bow ready at all times. Boggs is using a thing called a Holo which apparently locates where the pods are, or something. Honestly, it seems a little far-fetched, but that's the Capitol for you. Slaughtering citizens in style with needless waste of resources thrown in.

The entire day seems to be nothing but walking, because for some reason there are only a couple of pods around on the outer city.

When it goes dark Boggs and Jackson confirms we should find somewhere to sleep, so we find an empty house. I don't understand why the houses are empty and anyone I ask won't tell me. When I ask Finnick and Johanna why they won't tell me, they just say 'Probably because of your past and what happened in 8.'


Someone sets up a call back to 13 for me, and Haymitch picks up.

"Hey, Haymitch," I say.

"Katniss, I want you to know before I say anything else that we cannot guarantee anyone's safety but we are doing our best."

"What?" This reply takes me back. What does he mean?

"The Capitol has started to drop bombs on us. There's been an emergency called so we are all in the bunker  bit, and I can't be on the phone to you for long, sorry."

"What? Is Prim okay? My mom? Willow, is Willow okay?"

Peeta comes up from behind me. "Katniss what's going on?"

"It's all going to be fine, Katniss. Willow is being taken care of by your mother and Prim," Haymitch says down the phone. "There was a small mishap where we didn't know where Prim was, turned out she went to get the cat. He's okay, if you were wondering." Honestly, I'm not too interested in the welfare of the damned cat, but instead that my family is okay. "Was that Peeta I heard behind you?"

"Yes," I reply.

"Could you pass him over?"


Peeta's POV

Katniss takes the phone down from her ear, hands shaking. She holds it out to me, and I take it.

"Peeta?" Haymitch says.

"Yes? What's going on, Haymitch?"

"The Capitol, they started to bomb us. Coin and her team are saying they aren't nuclear, but I still can't guarantee we are all going to be safe. In fact, I'm a little worried. But I want to make sure you and Katniss take care of each other. I have no doubts she will, but I hope you can get over the hijacking and even if it isn't love it doesn't matter. Just be there for her. You're both broken. Maybe you can fix each other."

"Haymicth, of course I'm going to take care of her. I think you are right, and I think, my feelings for her, I think they're coming back," I say in a hushed voice, "if we all get out of this alive, I'll tell you."

"Okay. But don't tell her I'm worried about us here."

"I won't."

There is a slight bang, and the line goes dead. I hang it back on the reciever and walk to Katniss who is sitting on one of the makeshift beds on the floor.

I sit down next to her, trying to place my leg on the floor carefully. "What did he say?" She asks.

"To make sure you were okay."

"What did you mean when you said 'I won't'?"

"I meant that I wouldn't be stupid," I lie.

"Okay," she replies.

A silence hangs between us for long past most people have gone to sleep. We are all being kept in different rooms again after the Johanna and Gale incident. "If you have nightmares..." I eventually say, breaking the quiet, "wake me. I don't want you to have to go through that again. I've been gone long enough."

She smiles. "I missed you."

"I missed you too."

Something deep in my gut sinks, knowing that Willow could be unsafe. That Katniss's family could be unsafe. They could all be dead.

I've never been religious, but for once I pray.



Sorry that was shorter I needed to get that done. I hope next will be longer.

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