Katniss And Peeta (and Haymitch)

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please can I say how much it means for even the small following that I have in these fics? It's been so important to me for months and months now. God, when did I even start all this?

But can I just say thank you?

because I know to you this is probably just another fanfiction, and a lot of people won't have got here, you know? they'll probably have given up, but It's so amazing how you guys that are here have stuck with it.

And I know fangirlnotmadwoman maybe won't get to see the last two chapters, but it's still amazing you guys were here at all.

After this there is only going to be two more chapters, namely Johanna and Enobaria, and the final named Willow-The End. They will probably be out very very quickly, but if not, I do apologise. After this I will be working on my own work Sweet Eleanor, Death over here on my wattpad account, but I promise I will not stop writing. All my life I've found it hard to stick at a single piece of writing, and this will be the only piece that I think I've ever really finished, so if you read this, know that this work will always be important to me. And if you read it, then so are you. Thank you, and if you can stay for a little longer, then do. At some point in the future I'm going to read this and just kind of be concerned by the poor writing quality, but oh well. It's been almost a lifeline recently.

Anyone who reads this, if you have enjoyed please leave a vote and a comment. Ask questions. Request one shots. I would be happy to read anything to at least know that people have enjoyed. It's not insignificant. It's far from insignificant. It's what gives me the serotonin I desperately need as I come home tired every day, worried about giving up or dropping too low.

So here it is, the wedding you'll have all been waiting for (but certainly not the last chapter, those are reserved for Johanna's life and Willow's.)


17th May


Chapter 21

Haymitch's POV

"Finally," I say as Katniss and Peeta stand, staring blankly, in front of me. "Took you long enough, eh? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you but did you not think earlier?"

"There was more about it, Haymitch," Katniss spits.

"Oh, no I know, but still-"

Peeta glares at me. "You know I've not been well."

"Of course, but-"

"No buts," he says, "we were never going to have a wedding if it made either of us uncomfortable, but now we're both okay, and that's why only now."

I sigh. "I know, I was just... you know, never mind. Go on, go start planning the extravagant day."

"I don't want extravagance," Katniss interjects. "I want a normal ceremony. Some flowers, people we care about, food, dancing. Finnick and Annie's wedding was beautiful, but I don't want anything like that."

I smile. "No, of course."


30th May


The planning doesn't end up taking long, and it's somehow the wedding before I know it.

I throw on a shirt and stare at a bottle for a long time.

My hand automatically reaches for it, but I try everything to stop myself, groaning as I put it down, my mind aching for release. No, I tell myself, I promised them.

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