Ch.12 The ritual

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~Y/n pov~

Shuichi knocked on Angie's lab but there was no response.

"Maybe she's sleeping.." Himiko stated.

Shuichi knocked again, but there was still no answer.

"The door is locked so..." Kaito started but was interrupted by Kokichi suddenly jumping into the conversation.

They didn't notice us sneak up to the group, so they jumped surprised.

"I heard everything." Kokichi stated.

Maki glared, "where did you come from?"

Kokichi ignored her, "It's time for my trick!"

He bounded towards the door and then pulled out a lock pick, fiddling with the lock for a few moments before a click was heard. "Open says me!"

Shuichi pushed open the door and stepped in, only to freeze.

There in the middle of the room, was Angie's dead body.

"This was unexpected. The one who was telling us we weren't gonna do the killing game died." I joked.



Monokuma File 3 (モノクマファイル3)
[Monokubs File 3]The victim is the Ultimate Artist, . The victim's body was discovered in the Ultimate Artist's research lab. The time of death is approximately 2:00 a.m. The victim was killed by a fatal stab wound to the back of the neck. Additionally, she has a laceration on her forehead.

Forehead Injury (前頭部の裂傷)
[Injury on Back of Head]Considering the laceration, the injury on the victim's forehead was not bleeding as much as it should.

Bloody Duct Tape (血濡れのガムテープ)
[Clean Duct Tape]Bloody piece of duct tape stuck to her hair. The blood on it had already dried. The blood that was flowing from the back of Angie's neck created a pool.

Effigies Hung Upside-down (逆さ吊りの蝋人形)
[Effigies Hung Normally]The four wax effigies that were created for the resurrection ritual. They are exact replicas of the late Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, and Kirumi. They were hung upside-down from the ceiling beams in the Ultimate Artist's lab.

Gold Leaf Katana (金箔の日本刀)
[Gold Leaf Replica]It was stabbed into the hung Kaede effigy. Because the katana is so old, the handle's gold leaf rubs off easily. There was blood on the tip.

Art Lab's Front Door (美術教室の正面扉)
[Opened From Outside]This door has a cylindrical lock. swallowed the only key, so it can only be locked and unlocked from inside the lab. Before Angie's body was found, the door was locked, but Kokichi opened it by picking the lock.

Art Lab's Back Door (美術教室の裏扉)
[Opened From Outside]This door has a sliding lock. When Angie's body was found, the sliding lock was locked from the inside. The handle of the sliding lock moves at the slightest touch. Something gold and shiny was on the handle.

Kokichi's Lockpicking (王馬のピッキング)
[Kokichi Can't Lockpick]Kokichi can lock and unlock the front door of the Ultimate Artist's lab with his lockpicking skills.

Necronomicon (屍者の書)
[Holy Book]A book Monokuma prepared as a motive. Angie attempted to carry out the book's resurrection ritual.

"The Necronomicon Resurrection Ritual"
"Prepare an effigy of the dead soul you wish to contact. Everyone may participate."
"The size and shape of the effigy is irrelevant. Make it out of whatever materials you wish."
"If it's not obvious who the effigy is supposed to be, label it with the name of the deceased."
"After preparing the effigy, burn this Necronomicon to ashes."
"Use caution! Be mindful of carbon monoxide poisoning!"
"Sprinkle the ashes on the effigy and repeat the name of the deceased three times."
"Then close your eyes and wait. After a while..."
"you should feel a light tap on your back. If so, that means the ritual was a success!"
"The ashes are only good for one use. The ritual can only be performed once, so use it wisely."

Tsumugi's Account (白銀の証言)
[Tsumugi's Lie]Angie had locked herself in the Ultimate Artist's lab since yesterday, working on the ritual. She would not unlock the door unless someone from the student council asked her to. The student council members were: Gonta, Keebo, Himiko, Tenko, and Tsumugi.

722 words

A/n this is short and the next part will be too but I get like it made sense to split up the two deaths.

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