Chapter One

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"But he said he was sorry, okay? and I forgave him," I huffed, flopping back as I was met with the covers of my bed. I felt so completely tired, tired of arguing with the same boys about the same other boy.

I heard a long sigh from Mike. "That's not the point Nightlyn," Although I couldn't see Mike's face, I knew he'd be doing that face he does when trying to tell me what's best. Pulling his lips into a tight, pitiful smile. I'm actually glad I didn't have to see it.

"Course it is. If I can forgive him, you guys should too. He's my boyfriend after all," I pointed out, eyes to my bedroom ceiling.

"Everyone knows," Billie muttered.

I sat up, sitting on my bed as I looked over at Billie who was sitting on my desk chair. His chin rested on the palm of his hand as he stared dead at nothing in particular. Just in front. Looking fed up and tired. No doubt he probably didn't sleep much last night. Almost like every night.

Billie always seemed fed up lately. I'm not sure what it was that was getting him that way, I've asked, but he won't tell. It's something in particular, but whatever it is he's made it clear I won't find out.

"Billie he's trying,"

"He's trying to get on my nerves is what he's doing," Tre mumbled from the bean bag in the corner of my room.

I grunted heavily throwing myself back to face the ceiling once again. "I give up with you all,"

"C'mon NJ," Mike breathed, using my nickname to let me know he was trying to be friendly unlike Billie may have been. I felt the bed slump, he sat down at the end of it. "We just care about you,"

NJ was one of the few nicknames I had adapted from the name Nightlyn. It was just the first letter of my first and last name. Nightlyn Jackson. Along with: Night, Nighty and Tre had even come up with Jersey, from NJ of course. Typically standing for the state of New Jersey. But that one was used rarely, only to annoy me. Mostly by Tre.

"Really?" I scoffed slightly, unable to help myself. "Well if you cared that much you'd stop giving him such a hard time-"

"-Nightlyn he fucking cheated on you!" Billie shouted cutting me off. "Why would we not give him a hard time!?"

I sat up immediately, my shoulder brushing with Mike as I looked over at Billie pissed off. "He said sorry! He said it was a mistake!"

"So what- you think he won't do it again?"

"He promised me he wouldn't!"

"He's bullshitting you Nightlyn, and it's unbelievable that the most skeptical person of everyone that I know believes that." He shook his head before standing up out of the bean bag. No consideration to hang around, because as soon as the guy was to his feet, they were carrying him out my bedroom door as we watched him storm out of the room.

"Beej, Where are you going?" Tre asked sitting up.

"No, leave him Tre. If he wants to make a scene and storm out he can,"

Billie ignored the both of us. Slamming my door on the way out as all three of us flinched.

Tre, Mike and I stayed seated quietly. None of us really knew how to follow up a conversation after that. This whole argument came out of nowhere, we were all just hanging out then the next thing I knew my shitty boyfriend had once again found himself topic of conversation. Or- well, topic of argument.

Billie and I had been best friends ever since meeting in first grade, I was six, he was seven. He moved across the road from me one day, and Billies mom being the welcoming person she is. Made friends with my mom across the road instantly. Resulting in Billie and I being introduced. Ever since really we stuck together. Sort of inseparable, I guess you could say.

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