Chapter Six

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"Matthews calling your phone,"

"Ignore it,"

"Don't you wanna talk to him?" Billie asked confused, the phone in his hand and a slight glimpse of excitement in his eyes.

I gave him a shrug through the mirror. "I don't know, I guess I'm just not in the mood to talk to Matt right now,"

"Okay...?" He slowly whispered putting my phone back down on my bed, trying not to smile.

"So..." I dragged out, spinning the seat around from the mirror and to Billie who was sat crossed legged on my bed. "...How'd the date go?"

I didn't wanna know, for the first time in what might have been ever. I didn't wanna hear about all the flirting and how great Nova was. But I couldn't help but ask.

He shrugged. "Well, I suppose it went good? Y'know? We talked a lot, left the diner. I took her for a walk around the streets and then she left,"

I wasn't sure why I asked my next question. Because I didn't want to meet her. I didn't want Mike and Tre to think she was so great either. But yet I still had to open my mouth. "So when do Tre, Mike and I get to meet her?"

"Well," He hummed. A look on his face that he needed to admit something. "I'm meeting her again later so-"


He paused, looking at me confused. "Yeah? Later?"

"But- it's Friday?"

"What about Friday?"

"You perform at Gilman every Friday night?"

"Oh- well, yeah," He spoke casually. "Y'know? I thought I would invite her,"

"What about me?"

"What about you?"

His question made me realise how selfish it had sounded. My eyes flickered away from him as I began to mummer. "Well- seems as Tre always brings Luella and Mikes gonna bring Sage. You'll have Nova and I'll have...."

"You'll still have everyone?"

"No Billie that's not... that's not how it works,"

He shifted in his position, moving his legs as they swayed off the bed. "What do you mean NJ?"

"Well... Tre said this thing to me about-"

"-You know not to listen to Tre,"

"No, but he made sense,"

Billies face pulled tightly for a second. An attempt at not. to snigger. "Alright then, what did he say?"

"Well, he said this thing about how it's always balanced out. How at Gilman when Tre brings Luella and Mike brings whatever girl he's talking to at the time which is- y'know, right now Sage. Then left is me and well- you,"

"But we aren't...?"

"But we don't have to be- it still makes it even,"

He looked over at me equally still confused.

"Oh c'mon Bill," I sighed. "Y'know what I'm on about. Like when Tre and Luella are together and there's Mike and whoever. Whose left is me and you. But now... it's Tre and Luella. Mike and his whoever. You and Nova.... and me,"

I think he realised what I was saying, his eyebrows furrowed differently. From confused to frustrated. "What so- you just want me not to bring Nova so everythings even? Is that it? Even numbers? What is this some OCD thing or something I don't understand-"

"-No Billie. I'm not asking anything from you. I'm just saying that when Tre has his girl... and Mike has his. You've got... well yours now. Then,"-

The words I might've ateWhere stories live. Discover now