Chapter Four

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"But I need to go!" I whined looking back out the car window. "Can't you just pull by the next gas station?"

"You're gonna go in a gas station bathroom?" Billie asked me slightly grossed out, glancing over at me for a second away from the road.

"Well, I need to go somewhere,"

I felt a hand on the back of my seat, looking over as Tre pulled himself slightly in the gap between mine and Billies seat. "Y'know Beej, it wouldn't be a bad idea to stop at the gas station. I'm kinda hungry,"

"I kinda don't care Tre," Billie replied bluntly.

"Now that you mention it, I'm kinda starving myself here too," Mike agreed.

"We aren't stopping at any gas station and that's final!"

Tre huffed letting go of the seats as I watched him slump back in the back car seats in the view mirror. Crossing his arms before he mumbled to me. "Hey NJ,"

"Yes Tre,"

"Just piss on the seat,"

Billie flinched angrily. "You're not pissing in my car!"

"I wasn't going to!" I shouted.

He let out a long sigh, before accepting his defeat whilst I squirmed around in the car seat hoping my bladder wouldn't burst. "Alright. The next gas stations in two miles, I'll pull up there,"

Mike, Tre and I cheered in a small victory, sharing high fives before the car was pulled off the motorway.

Billie parked his car in the small parking lot of a dinky gas station. The lights under its canopy were automatically turned on. The day was in its transition of dragging into night, with the sun disappearing leaving an orange sky.

We'd been driving all day for hours on the road. On a 'trip' for Mike to buy some new Bass guitar he claimed to have fallen in love with of an advertisement he found on the walls of Gilman. Billies interest also picking at new equipment. Mike scrapped up the rest of his money together, since Mike and Billie were and always have been more of savers than spenders. Unlike Tre and I. We picked up the bass and Billies new equipment and began to make our long trip all the way back to Rodeo.

Mike had driven Billie's car up here, but once picking the bass up and after a long argument Billie was agreed to drive us back. Being that I didn't actually know how to work a vehicle and Tre's excuse was he 'didn't have his licence on him'. Which was fair since whenever Tre did drive, we were often pulled over.

Once parking I tumbled out the car desperately. Not waiting for the rest as I speeded over to the gas station separate building, kicking the door open as the lights automatically flickered on.

The gas station, like expected, was terrifyingly unhygienic. The walls of the small confined space had been graffitied with spray paints of all colours and markers. Images of immaturely funny things, names, quotes, doodles, symbols.

I took another long look, considering if I really needed the toilet that bad. The very sad reality at this moment in time was that I was desperate.

I kept myself distracted from the cleanliness of the bathroom reading the writing on the walls. Such things as trashy nicknames or overly detailed stencils. I even found myself after pissing still reading a few.

'Vera + Justin', 'Ryan was here,'  but then there were more contrasted ones such like. 'Society sucks', 'Fuck the law', 'Against all authorities', 'The only thing you can be sure of is you can be sure of nothing', 'Second boys will be-'

-"Are you done in there NJ?" I heard Tre knock heavily down on the door as I flinched. I breathed out realising before forgetting what I was reading opening the door up.

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