Sebastian Moran

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", no, no!" Alex shouted, shaking her head. She looked up at John. "I'm not letting you go!"

"You brought this on yourself!" He said. "It's your own fault, Alex!"

"I'll start behaving better, just give me a second chance!" Alex said.

"That was your second chance, Alex, and you blew it!" He said.

"Then give me a third chance!" Alex said. "Please, I promise I'll behave better!"

"I can't give you any freedom without you screwing up." John said. "I should sign you up for the military, but if you died, I would never forgive myself."

"I'm sorry." Alex said. "Please, don't go."

"Too bad." John said. "Now, go to sleep. And don't even think about sneaking out again."

"Okay." Alex said. She flopped back down. John left the room and locked the door.

Alex cried herself to sleep that night.

When Alex woke up the next morning, she and John weren't speaking to each other. Alex was worried of getting yelled at and John was too angry to speak to her. John called his family and told him the news while Alex read her book. That was the only time Alex heard her brother's voice that day. Over the next few days, they talked a little but barely spoke at all. He spent a lot of his time packing things he would need. He would be overseas for five years. Alex was going to miss him terribly. No one had ever cared for her so much in her life. The night before John had to leave, Alex was on the verge of tears every time she opened her mouth. John sat next to her on the couch. Alex timidly rested her head on his shoulder. John sighed and wrapped his arm around her. Alex finally felt better. John seemed to have forgiven her.

"I'm sorry." Alex whispered.

"I forgive you." John sighed. "Go get some sleep. It's going to be a long, hard day for both of us."

Alex went to her bedroom, but she couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned, but she couldn't get comfortable. She got up and went to her brother's room, just like when they were younger. John looked up.

"Sis? What is it?" He asked.

"Can I stay with you tonight? Just, one last time?" Alex asked. John scooted over.

"Come here." He said.

Alex curled up next to her brother and rested her head against him. John seemed tired, so he drifted off quickly. Alex could barely sleep. She was scared and upset. She drifted in and out of conciousness. She woke up to John shaking her.

"Alex. Sis. Come on. We have to get ready to go." He said.

"Okay." Alex sighed, getting up.

She put on a T-shirt and jeans. She felt terrible. She didn't want her brother to leave. She wanted him to be with her. John came out of his room in his uniform. He looked so different than his usual self. Alex couldn't look at him without a lump forming in her throat. They left to go meet their family at the airport. John held her hand on the drive there. Her parents looked like they were going to burst with pride when they saw him. Harry was crying a little. They walked with him to the security check. No one was aloud to go with him beyond this point. Harry hugged her brother first.

"I love you." She said. "Be safe."

"I will. Love you too." John said as he let go. Their parents were next. Their mother hugged him, tears trickling out of her eyes.

"We're so proud of you." She said. "Please be careful, though."

"I will, Mum." John said.

He shook his dad's hand. His dad gave him a respectful nod. John then turned to Alex. Alex couldn't control her tears any longer. She threw her arms around John and sobbed into his shoulder. John hugged her back tightly.

Broken (Prequel to Beauty and the High-Functioning Sociopath)Where stories live. Discover now