You'll Get Used to Everything

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It had been a few months since Alex had started her training. She was already as feirce as the men. Sebastian approached her one day as she was punching a sand bag.

"Alex." He said.

"Hm?" Alex said.

"I'm going on a mission tomorrow. I want you to come with." Sebastian said. Alex froze.

"You want me to come with?" Alex said. 

"Of course. You'be proved yourself." Sebastian said.

"Who's going besides us?" Alex asked.

"Trevor, Nick, and Ken." Sebastian said.

"Great!" Alex said excitedly. "What's the mission?"

"We have to kill a man who betrayed us. The name is Scott Ketterly." Sebastian said. "He gave some information about us to the government."

"Okay." Alex shrugged. "It shouldn't be too hard."

Alex finished her training. She was so excited that she could barely sleep that night. When she woke up after a restless night's sleep, she quickly put on her uniform. She went to go meet Sebastian. He checked his watch.

"You're a full ten minutes early." He said. "You must really be excited. You never show up early."

"Hey, I'm going on my first mission today. What do you expect?" Alex asked.

Alex paced excitedly while they waited for Nick, Trevor, and Ken to arrive. When they all arrived, Sebastian gave them a breif run through. Go to the man's house, find him, and kill him. It didn't sound too hard to Alex. She was armed with a gun, which Sebastian had taught her how to fire. They were all dressed in black jackets, pants, leather gloves, and hats. They drove to the man's house. They broke the door down. Sebastain sent Trevor, Nick, and Ken to search one side of the house and he and Alex went to search the other. She noticed how Sebastian moved carefully, his knees slightly bent, his gun held to his chest, and his back flattened out. She tried to match it, but it seemed awkward and she tripped. She let out a yelp and Sebastian glared at her. She resumed her normal walk, not wanting to get kicked off the mission. She noticed after a couple minutes that she was walking the same. It came naturally if she didn't think about it. It seemed like they were the only ones in the house. Sebastian held up his hand, motioning for Alex to stop. They were both silent. Alex listened carefully. She heard the rustle of people upstairs. Sebastian heard it too. He nodded upstairs and then turned around. They went upstairs together. Sebastian pressed the button on his earpeice.

"Upstairs." He said quietly.

"Got it." Trevor replied.

Both Alex and Sebastian waited in silence while Trevor, Nick, and Ken made their way upstairs. They weren't as silent. Sebastian gave a look.

"Be quiet!" He hissed. "Alex is quieter than all of you and she's the newest!" 

There was suddenly a noise that sounded like a window or door opening. Sebastian heard it. He looked around before he pinpointed it. He nodded to the room at the end of the hall. The door was closed. Alex was itching to prove herself. She fell behind Sebastian as they went to the door. He kicked it open. A man ran out like a shot. This must be Scott Alex chased after him, running down the stairs. Sebastian chased after her. He lost sight of Alex after they got down the stairs though. 

Alex chased Scott to his office. He made a zig zag pattern, trying to distract the young woman. It worked. Alex stopped for a moment. Sebastian had taught her this. She could hear his voice clear in her head.

If anyone is ever chasing you and they have a gun, run in a zig zag. They're less likely to hit you that way. Was what he had said. 

Alex shook her head and cornered Scott. She held the gun to his head. His hands were held up and Alex saw that he had no weapon. She cocked her gun and got ready to pull the trigger. She then looked around the office and saw some pictures on the desk. It looked like a wife and kids. Alex stopped dead. She knew how it would feel if she lost John, or if she ever married and had a husband and children and lost any of them. Alex lowered the gun, unable to make the final kill. Scott saw the chance and took it. He opened the window and escaped that way. Alex turned around, ready to lie to Sebastian and say Scott had gotten away before she had cornered him. Sebastian didn't even need to know she cornered him. But that lie would never be able to be told. Sebastian was standing in the doorway. He strode over to her.

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