Sherlock Holmes

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This chapter contains domestic violence. I don't want to trigger anything for anyone, so skip this chapter if you need to. I'll give the signal when to skip and when it's good. I apologize if I upset anyone. 


Alex was helping her boyfriend move into her flat. She had taken Sebastian's advice. Alex had told John about it and the two had met. John didn't seem to like him either, but he had learned to trust his little sister's judgement. When they had gotten everything settled, Alex sat down next to her boyfriend.

"You have a job, right?" She asked.

"Yeah." David nodded.

"Good, because I just quit mine." Alex said.

"What? Why?" David asked.

"It wasn't working out for me." Alex said.

"So that boss of yours isn't going to be hanging around and watching over you every second?" David asked.

"Sebastian? No, he's out of the picture." Alex said.

"Oh, okay." David said. Alex had a sort of suspicious feeling. She pushed away though. 

*Start skipping now* 

David grabbed Alex's wrist. She thought he was just being playful, but when he didn't let go, she started to freak out. She twisted, but he still wouldn't let go. 

"Dave, let go." She said. His face was hard and cold, not the caring man she'd known. "Let go. You're hurting me."

David dragged her up and threw her across the room. Alex let out a yelp as she stumbled. She hadn't expected that. It was different than when Sebastian attacked her withough warning. She had known what was coming, she just hadn't known when. With David, he had attacked and she hadn't known his intentions. She ducked as David threw a punch at her. He then grabbed her and punched her in the face. Alex felt a painful crack in her nose. She felt blood begin to drip out of it. Alex tried to defend herself, but she hadn't been ready. She always needed to be ready, or else she would lose in a fight. It was her greatest weakness and it was showing. Alex knew she had to get away from here. She ran to the door, but David blocked her. He slapped her across the face. Alex fell to the floor. She glared up at him.

"My brother is a soldier." She said. "He'll kill you."

David picked her up by the throat. Alex clawed at his hands, trying to get him to let go. He increased the pressure on her throat. Alex was desperate for air. She had never wanted anything so badly, next to John coming home.

"If you tell your brother about this, I will kill you both." David hissed.

He threw Alex to the ground. She gasped for air and coughed. David left the flat and locked the door so Alex couldn't get out. Alex grabbed her phone and hit John's caller ID. She had a plan to get out. After a few rings, John picked up.

*Abusive content over*

"Hello?" John said.

"John?" Alex said.

"Hey!" John said. The smile was evident in his voice.

"Hey." Alex said. "Um, could I come stay with you in your flat?"

"Um...well, it's really only built for two people." John said. "I'm not saying you can't come for a few months, though."

"I won't take up much space and I'll help pay the rent." Alex said. "I'll sleep on the couch and I'll work during the day."

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