First Day

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The next morning, Alex woke up early and got ready to go train. She threw on some clothes and ran outside. Sebastian was waiting for her. She had woken up at nine and it had taken her an hour to get ready. Sebastian nodded to her.

"Are you ready for your first day of training?" He asked.

"Of course...Seb." She said.

She went out to the car with Sebastian. She saw the three men she had met yesterday (Nick, Trevor, and Ken) also in the car. She nodded a hello at them. Alex sat down, excited to begin.

"I think that if I'm gonna be a secret agent, I should have a better name. I was thinking, Silver Wolf." She said, trying to sound tuff.

"Sorry, that's been done before." Ken said.

"All right. Doom Machine it is." Alex said.

"This isn't about code names, Alex." Sebastian said simply. 

They went to the training room. No one was there besides them. Sebastian demonstrated some fighting moves with Ken and then had Trevor and Alex try it. Alex learned quickly. Sebastian was impressed. He hadn't been able to fight so well at her young age. He told the three boys to leave after a little longer. He was the best fighter Moriarty had. He didn't give Alex a warning as he lunged at her. Alex dodged him and he crashed into the wall. Alex quickly jumped on his back and latched onto him. Sebastian flung his back into the wall. Alex gasped in pain and let go, falling to the ground. She was vunerable now.

"Rule number one. Never give yourself a break during a fight." Sebastian said, giving her a gentle push in the ribs. "Try again."

Alex got the first move this time. She attacked Sebastian by kicking at his legs. She successfully knocked them out from underneath him. Sebastian rolled over and jumped back up. He put Alex in a head lock. Alex kicked him in the groin, earning a sharp cry of pain from Sebastain. He let her go and fell to the ground. He held his hands up.

"I surrender." He said. Alex gave him a look of suspicion. She pressed her foot to his chest, pinning him down. He nodded approvingly. "Good. Rule number two. Don't trust anyone besides us."

They trained for a few more hours before Sebastian decided Alex deserved a break. He walked Alex out to the break room. Trevor, Nick, and Ken grinned at her and she smiled back. Sebastian nodded at them as he took Alex aside.

"It's time for lunch. Official spies and agents can go out and trainees can go with them. They can't go anywhere unless they've got an official with them." Sebastian said. "It would usually be their trainer."

"Great. So, are you staying or leaving?" Alex asked.

"I'm staying. They've got the best bosco sticks you can imagine." Sebastian said. Alex licked her lips. She liked the sound of that.

"You got any Dr. Pepper?" She asked.

"Of course." Sebastian nodded.

She followed Sebastian up to the dining hall in the elevator. She was eyeing the big red button, tempted to push it. Sebastian took notice and gave her a look. He and Alex had a stare down. Alex wouldn't submit to Sebastian's authority. Sebastian liked that about her, but she had to learn that he was in charge. 

"Remember, no pressing the big red button." Sebastian said as they stepped out of the elevator. 

"Got it." Alex nodded.

She followed her trainer to the dining hall. She didn't like that everyone here was men. She stayed close to Sebastian. Sebastian looked down at her.

"I will allow you to stay by me for now, but after today you're on your own." He said. "I won't be there to protect you on missions."

His words angered Alex. She didn't need to be protected. She stood up straighter and marched off to get herself some lunch. The only thing healthy she got for herself was some stawberries. She had gotten herself some bosco sticks, Dr. Pepper, chips, crisps, and a hamburger. She sat down beside Trevor. A man across from her reached out and grabbed her bosco sticks.

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