I'm Coming Home

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It had been three years since Alex had first started working for Moriarty and John had gone to war. Alex was all grown up now. She was in a steady relationship with David. Sebastian still didn't trust him. Whenever he saw David with Alex, he would glare at him. Alex would just shove her boss and go off with her boyfriend. Alex was training with Nick one day when Trevor walked in. Alex looked up. Trevor pointed at her.

"Sebastian wants to talk to you." He said.

"Okay." Alex said.

She went to Sebastian's office. He was working on his giant computer. Alex knocked on the wall. Sebastian looked up and nodded at her.

"Come in." He said, standing up.

"Trevor said you wanted to talk to me." Alex said. "Am I in trouble?"

"No." Sebastian shook his head. "I've been impressed with your work lately so I spoke to Moriarty yesterday about bringing your brother home early."

Alex's breath hitched in her throat. "What did he say?"

"He agreed." Moriarty said. "Your brother is coming home."

"Thank you. Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you." Alex said. She threw her arms around Sebastian, who stiffened.

"Er...you're welcome." He said. "Moriarty estimates he'll come home in a few months. He'll send for him to be brought home this afternoon."

"How? I mean, won't anyone get suspicious?" Alex said.

"Moriarty has people all over the world. No one will suspect a thing." Sebastian said. "Now, please let go of me."

"Okay." Alex said.

She spent the day excited about her brother coming home. Her mind wasn't on missions or training. It was focused on John. When Alex got home, she paced. She was awaiting the call from him telling her that he was coming home. This wouldn't be news to her, but she would have to fake surprise. She wouldn't have to fake happiness though. She finally got a phone call and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" She said.

"Is this Alexandra Watson?" A voice asked.

"Yeah?" Alex said. "Who's this?"

"This is Major Sholto, John Watson's commanding officer." The man on the phone said.

"What's happened?" Alex asked, suddenly worried. "Is John okay?"

"No. He got shot in the shoulder while he was trying to get some soldiers back to camp." Major Sholto said. "He's in critical condition."

"No." Alex whispered. She didn't know that Moriarty had done this to her brother. "Is he going to be okay?"

"We hope. If her survives, he will be coming home." Major Sholto said.

"How long will it take him to heal if he does survive?" Alex asked.

"He would come home within a few months." Major Sholto said. "We'll keep you posted."

"Thank you. As soon as he can talk, have him call me okay?" Alex said.

"Of course, Miss Watson." Major Sholto said. "You're all he ever talks about, you know."

"Really?" Alex asked.

"Yes." Major Sholto said.

Alex hung up shortly after that. She was scared for her brother. She prayed that he got better and returned to her. She needed to see him and not through a Skype screen. Alex paced for the night. She called off work the next day by texting Sebastian and blew her and David's plans to go see a movie off.

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