missing you (2) - spencer reid

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Unfortunately, the case closed, but you got called into another case in Seattle immediately after. It wasn't until the second week of Spencer being gone that Hotch was able to give you a few days off. Garcia bought you a plane ticket to Las Vegas, no matter how much you protested her generosity, and you flew down as soon as you could.

Hey, are you at the center with Diana right now?

You had taken a taxi to the center she was at, hoping that even if he wasn't there, he would return shortly.

Yes. Why? Everything OK?

You bit your lip, smiling as you entered into the main lobby. You asked the lady at the front desk if she knew where Diana Reid would be.

"Relation?" She asked monotonely, quirking an eyebrow at you.

"I'm her son's girlfriend, his name is Spencer Reid. He's here with her at the moment?" You replied, hoping she wouldn't ruin the surprise.

"Your name?" She said, ignoring the information you gave her.

"Y/N, Y/N L/N," you answered, "I can show you pictures of us together or something if you need proof." You chuckled lightly, hoping to brighten the mood.

The lady didn't look amused, "I will call the nurse on the third floor and tell her to tell Dr. Reid that you're here, though he will have to-"

"M'am, I'm here to surprise him," you sighed, exasperatedly, "We live together in D.C. so him visiting here is a cross country trip. I got an unexpected opportunity to come see him and Mrs. Reid for the weekend so I wanted to make it a surprise, so please don't tell him."

"You could've spared me the backstory," she yawned, clicking over keyboard connected to her computer before continuing, "Show me your ID and give me your contact information and I'll send you up."

She scanned your ID and you told her an unnecessary amount of information before she finally buzzed you in. You made your way up to the third floor, showing the nurse at the third floor desk your visitor's pass and asking her if she knew where Diana and Spencer were.

"Oh, yes, you must be Spencer's girlfriend," she said warmly, a refreshing difference from the lady in the lobby, "I take Ms. Reid her medicine every day and the past few days she's been telling me about how she wishes you could've come with Spencer. Do they know you're coming?"

You gave her a secretive smile, "No, it's a surprise."

The nurse gave a little happy squeal, "How exciting! They're in the game room playing checkers, I believe. I'll walk you down there."

You thanked her and looked down at your phone, realizing you hadn't responded to Spencer's last text. You saw three missed calls and two texts.

Y/N. Is everything okay?

If you don't answer, I'm calling Hotch.

Your eyes widened, and you frantically typed back.

Bub, I'm fine!

You turned the corner and entered the room, seeing him at the far back table, looking down at his phone. You smiled and thanked the nurse before typing again.

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