flowers - spencer reid

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Early seasons Reid. See pic above for reference. P.S. I think I might die thinking about this concept ~🌸

The thought started from a conversation you overheard between Derek and Emily.

"I feel really bad, he's been so nice to me," Emily sighed, talking about how she freaked out on a guy, who she'd been dating for awhile, after a stressful day, "Maybe I should get him flowers or something."

"Flowers?" Derek scoffed, "Flowers are things that guys get girls. It doesn't work the other way around."

Emily paused, "Why not?"

"It'll make him feel less masculine," Morgan explained, "Just let him know what happened. He'll feel better knowing it wasn't his fault and he'll console you."

"I don't need consoling," Emily laughed, "I should've expected that response from you, though, Mr. Testosterone."

The rest of the day, you couldn't stop thinking about flowers. It was a traditional thing ingrained in most people that you didn't give a guy flowers, guys have girls flowers. But for some reason, you couldn't let go of the idea of how cute and flustered your long term boyfriend, Spencer Reid, would be if you gave him some.

He was staying late, finishing up some paperwork, and told you to go on home to your shared apartment. It was only 6:30, you were certain the flower shop on the way home was still open. You smoothed a hand over the top of his lightly gelled hair and pressed a sweet kiss to his forehead. Even after over a year and a half of dating, he still turned pink at the act of affection. He hummed lightly, a pleased sound, and you waved goodbye on your way out the glass doors.

You hopped in your car and drove to the florist closest to your apartment. You knew the lady, having been there before for Mother's Day and for friends if they got sick. She was about to close up when she saw you frantically run to the door.

"Have time for one more?" You asked with pleading eyes.

The lady, willowy and older in years, wearing jeans, a tee shirt with a bandana holding back her thinning brown hair, smiled graciously, "I don't see why not."

You picked out several types of flowers you thought Spencer might like, and when the lady asked who they were for, you answered bashfully, "My boyfriend."

Her drawn on eyebrows raised slightly, "I don't get that one very often. But you're not the first."

You smiled, glad to know someone else thought like you.

"Special occasion?" She asked, placing the flowers down delicately on thin brown paper to wrap them.

"No, I just think it'll make him happy," you explained, "Our jobs can get really stressful, so I wanted to just do a little something to make him smile extra today."

The woman smiled a smile that seemed both knowingly wise and full of nostalgia, "You've got it right, darling. Keep that up, and you'll have yourselves a good long life together, that I can assure you."

You felt yourself blush, "I hope you're right. He's definitely a keeper."

You thanked the lady and, after paying, left a large tip for her troubles, even though she tried to refuse it, saying it was "worth it to see young love blossoming." You left it on the counter so she had no choice but to accept it.

You arrived home and put the flowers in a large mason jar, since you couldn't find a vase. The arrangement sat on the kitchen counter, certain to be noticed as soon as he walked in.

You padded back to the bedroom, changing into some shorts and one of Spencer's Caltech tee shirts, inhaling his scent deeply. He always smelled fresh and clean, mixed with various fall fragrances. You weren't sure if they were from his cologne, or if he just happened to smell like fall all the time, but either way it was comfy and intoxicating.

You were just finished washing your face and doing your hair for bed when you heard the door unlock and his keys clank into their designated bowl. You tried not to look too excited and give it away as you made a beeline for him.

"Hey, bub," you greeted, even though it had only been a couple hours since you'd last seen him, pulling him into a hug, "How was traffic?"

"Not too bad, surprisingly," he said, his eyebrows furrowing as his eyes landed on the counter, "Who got you those?"

"I got them, but they aren't for me," you grinned, picking them up in their jar and handing them to him, "They're for you."

He couldn't suppress the smile that creeped up onto his features, his smooth, creamy white cheeks now flushed a nice deep pink. He stared at them, admiring each different type before meeting your eyes.

"You brought me flowers?" He asked, his dimples deepening as he spoke.

You pressed your lips together in a sweet smile, "Mmhm, thought it would put a smile on your face. We've had a long week."

"I-I've never been given flowers before," his face turned thoughtful, but the smile was still there, "I wouldn't have thought they would make me this happy. Is this how girls feel when guys give them flowers?"

"Yes," you nodded eagerly, "And I think more girls should give guys flowers. You get all cute and flustered."

His blush deepened, and he set the jar down delicately on the countertop. He reached his arms out for you, his caramel eyes swimming with so many emotions. You eagerly accepted his embrace.

"I love you, you know?" You gushed, nuzzling your face into the soft skin of his neck, "So much."

Spencer's voice cracked slightly as he held you tighter, hoping that he could accurately convey just how strongly he felt towards you, "I love you too. More than anything."

You stayed like that for who knows how long, his warm, sweater covered arms holding you steady against him. The smell of the fresh flowers plus the smell of his skin was something you wanted imprinted on your mind forever and ever.

In that moment, you knew the florist was right. You and Spence were going have a good long life together, full of flowers and extra long hugs.

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