the bad bet - derek morgan

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You smirked to yourself as you worked around the kitchen, putting dishes away. Your boyfriend, who made a dangerous bet that you couldn't go a full day without kissing him, was leaned against the counter sulking.

"Come on." He groaned, throwing his head back.

You snickered, throwing a dish towel at him. "You brought this on yourself."

"I didn't think you would actually follow through." He grunted, chucking the dish towel back at you.

You rolled your eyes, wiping the countertops down before draping the towel over the sink edge. The kitchen cleaned, you meandered into the living room and turned on the TV. Derek trailed after you like a distraught puppy.

You ignored him, scrolling through your phone as he shifted closer to you on the couch. He slipped his arm over your shoulders, attempting to subtly pull you flush against his side.

"Can I help you?" You giggled, looking up at him only to find your lips exceptionally close to his.

Millimeters close.

You ducked down just in time to avoid his lips connecting with yours. He huffed out an annoyed breath, the hot hair fanning your forehead.

"Babygirl, you're killing me. You can't tell me you seriously don't want to kiss me, the love of your life." He was in full on pout mode now, his bottom lip jutted out slightly.

"You're absolutely right." Your grinned, turning back up to meet his eyes and pulling his lips closer to yours once again by his chin. "I want to. The only thing keeping me from it is the love of my life who made a bad bet."

He let out a throaty groan as you released him, pushing on his chest as you stood from the couch.

"Where are you going?" He frowned.

"I have lunch with Em and Penny, remember? I've gotta go get ready." You offered him an innocent smile as you walked off towards the bedroom.

You showered, changed, and fixed your hair and makeup in record time. You had lost track of time while cleaning the kitchen and were now running a full fifteen minutes late. You sent the girls a quick text to let them know, and they said they expected as much and were perfectly content to shop while they waited for you to meet them at the mall restaurant.

"I'll be back in a couple hours." You announced as you searched the kitchen counter for your keys. You turned to see Derek holding them out for you, leaned against the doorway. "Thank you. Call me if you need me, okay?"

"You know I always need you." He said sweetly, smiling for the first time that afternoon.

You reached up and placed your hand on his cheek, scratching your manicured nails lightly over his stubble. "I love you."

"I love you too." You could tell he was fighting the urge to lean down and press his lips to yours. "Kiss goodbye?"

"Nice try, but nope." You giggled, taking your keys from his hand and marching over to your purse.

"What if something happens while you're gone?" His pouting look was back. "What if somewhere terrible happens to you or me and we never got a final kiss?"

You glared at him. "Derek Morgan. That is horrible and morbid and definitely not going to work on me."

He shrugged. "That's what you always say when we kiss goodbye. It's your point not mine."

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