surprise - spencer reid

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Every day spent at the BAU without you was torture for your best friend, Spencer.

After being pushed over a railing by an unsub and breaking your leg, you were put on temporary leave and had missed four cases in a row. The cases were basically back-to-back, so Spencer hadn't gotten to see you in person since you were discharged from the hospital after the fall. He texted and called you everyday, borderline obsessively, but you didn't mind.

Hearing from him was the best part of your day.

It was the day before Spencer's 30th birthday, and you were finally clear to walk without crutches. You texted Garcia, who was, of course, already planning a surprise party for the boy genius. She was thrilled to hear about your recovery and even more excited to include you in the surprise.

You nailed down a plan and were so excited you could hardly sleep that night. Going almost five weeks without seeing Spencer had taken it's toll. You missed him so badly that you had almost convinced yourself you had feelings for him.

Crazy, right?

It didn't actually matter that your stomach swarmed with butterflies when he smiled at you. It was completely normal that you his touch wether he was right next to you or miles away. And it was definitely not strange that you found yourself thinking about kissing him way more than friends do.

Nope, no feelings at all.

The next day, you got the go-time text from Garcia. The jet would be landing within the hour. You put on Spencer's favorite, a Star Trek graphic tee that he bought you for your birthday that year, some jeans, and your black converse before heading out the door.

You drove cautiously, still getting used to driving again post-broken leg. You arrived about thirty minutes before the jet was due to arrive, giving you plenty of time to help Garcia set up the round room.

Everything was perfect: the cake you made (lemon, Spencer's favorite), the balloons, the streamers, and the wrapped up Star Trek DVD set that everyone pitched in to get. You couldn't wait to see the look on his face when he saw you.

"They're here!" Garcia chirped, looking down at her phone where Prentiss had texted her.

"That's my cue," you grinned, slipping out of the room and making your way over to Garcia's bat-cave.

You listened at the door as they all exited the elevators and entered the bullpen, chattering amongst themselves. You then heard Garcia distract Spencer while they others sneaked off the the round room, telling him all about a new Doctor Who theory she had come up with. You heard their voices grow fainter as she led him up to the others, followed by an eruption of cheers.

A few minutes later, Garcia knocked three times on the door. You slipped out and she walked with you up the stairs, giving you an excited smile and an enthusiastic thumbs up.

"Okay, Good Doctor, we have one more surprise for you." Garcia said, with you hidden out of sight around the corner, still at the top of the stairs

"More surprises? You guys really didn't have to do all this."

Just hearing his voice made you feel all tingly. He was there, in person. You could tell from his voice that he was probably blushing from all the attention.

"Close your eyes," Garcia instructed him. Morgan put a hand over them for good measure, "And open them on the count of three."

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