stay cool it's just a kiss - spencer reid

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Inspired by the episode where the unsubs are reenacting a video game and Garcia and Kevin have to work together, and she gets really excited and accidentally kissed him. Enjoy! ~🌸

"Okay, I'm about two seconds away from ripping every strand of hair out of my head individually," you groaned in frustration, hunched over the files of three victims.

Spencer, who was sat next to you at the tiny table, leaned in closer to look at the third victim, "That would take hours, as the average human being has at least 100,000 hairs on their head."

You swatted his arm, "Not in the mood."

He pouted, gripping his arm dramatically as if you had fatally wounded him.

"So far the only connection is that they all have broken joints, dyed hair, and are left in public places in boxes," you observed, "Which doesn't say that much."

"Well, obviously the unsub is trying to recreate someone specific, thus the dying of the hair," Spencer murmured, "They are all well kept, which makes the broken joints seem like more of a necessity to the unsub's fantasy than for torture. But what is the fantasy?"

You let out a low hum, desperately wracking your brain for an idea before eventually giving up.

"Okay, I need a caffeine break, Big Brain," you patted him lightly on the back as you stood, "Want anything?"

"More coffee, please," He nodded appreciatively, handing you his cup.

"With eight or twenty sugars?" you teased.

He gave a small smile, "Surprise me."

You went to the break room, grabbing a soda for yourself before refilling Spencer's cup. As his best friend, you had his preferred coffee down to a science. Three and a half little creamer cups and nine sugar packets, stirred until you could no longer feel the grains of sugar with the coffee stirrer. You popped the lid back on and wove your way through half a dozen cops back to the workroom.

"Any breakthrough discoveries while I was gone?" you asked, handing him his sugary drink.

"You know how sometimes you know the answer but it's just out of reach?" he replied, taking a generous sip of coffee, "This is perfect, by the way."

You giggled, "Thank you, this case might make me quit and become a full-time barista. And to answer your question, yes, I know the feeling. It's infuriating."

He nodded in agreement, watching as you resumed your seat next to him, "The broken joints, especially of the shoulders, knees, and jaw adds up to something familiar. I just can't place it yet."

It was your turn to nod, cracking the lid to your soda open, "I'm sure it'll come to you. Everything is somewhere in that head of yours."

He smiled his Spencer smile and the two of you returned to your earlier position, only inches between you as you hunched over the files.

Maybe half an hour later, it happened.

"I got it!" he exclaimed, causing you to jerk your head towards him.

"What is it?"

"Marionettes!" he said excitedly, as if it had been obvious all along, "See here, the marks on their wrists, ankles, and necks? They aren't just ligature marks, they're from ropes he used to tied them up and move them around like marionette puppets!"

After all the hours of dead ends, this one finally clicked, "Oh my gosh, Spencer, you genius!"

In a flurry of excitement, you grabbed his cheeks and planted your lips onto his firmly.

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