stubborn - derek morgan

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If you learned anything over the course of the year you had been dating Derek Morgan, it was that he was stubborn. Mostly when it came to taking care of himself.

You knew when you woke up and saw him that morning that something was wrong. He winced when he saw you were awake, as he usually tried not to wake you during early morning work calls. His voice as he talked to Hotch was scratchier than his normal morning voice, and he definitely sounded congested. He coughed once, twice, three times before letting Hotch know he'd been in in fifteen and hanging up.

"Baby, do you feel okay?" You murmured, reaching out to grab his hand before he could get up from the bed.

"I'm fine, babygi-" he sneezed mid sentence, startling your

"Derek, if you're sick you don't need to go in and get everyone else sick," you said, hoping that by making it about the wellness of others it would make him listen.

"Baby, don't worry about me. I'm fine. If it's anything it's just a little cold, and I can work with that," he reassured you, although you were still worried.

He smoothed your crazy bed hair out of your face and kissed your forehead. You smiled, basking the sweetness of his kiss mixed with the warmness of the covers over your body. He smiled back at you before getting up to get ready.

He made some coffee and left for Quantico, and you realized it was only 5 am, so you went back to sleep. When you woke up again at seven, you had a missed call and a text, both from your best friend, Garcia.

Hey girl, I noticed your mans was looking kind of rough today, and I asked him if he felt okay and he got all defensive. Was he okay when he left this morning?

You sighed, the pit in your stomach growing as you hoped he hadn't left for the case yet.

He sounded sick when he woke up, but of course he refused to stay home :( keep an eye on him for me?

You would drive to the BAU and pick him up yourself if you had to.

They just got on the jet, but I will keep my eyes and ears on him the best I can girly :)

You smiled, thankful for Garcia. She was how you met Derek in the first place. You owed her so much.

Thanks, Garcie. I owe you one :)

You sighed, turning your phone ringer on for the day so you wouldn't miss anything else. You went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth and hair, putting on some deodorant before changing into some yoga pants a tee shirt. You were in the middle of getting your master's degree, and your first class didn't start until ten.

Your phone rang, and you expected it to be Garcia, but when you looked at the caller ID you saw it was Spencer.

"Hey, Spence, what's up?" You asked as you picked up.

"Hey, Y/N, sorry to bother you," he apologized shyly.

"You're no bother at all," you reassured him, "to what to I owe this call from the boy genius himself."

"Morgan fell asleep during our briefing on the jet," he said, sounding worried, "and his breathing sounds slightly obstructed, he definitely has some congestion in his nasal passages. Did he display any symptoms of sickness around you this morning?"

You sighed at the young doctor's observations, "yes, he was congested and his voice sounded scratchy. He coughed several times and sneezed. I didn't get the chance to make him take his temperature."

"Sounds like the classic common cold, but it could also be the early indicators of a number of viruses," Spencer said knowingly.

"That makes me feel so much better knowing he's up in the air traveling thousands of miles away from me," you replied sarcastically.

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