when we were younger - spencer reid

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The next three imagines are all set in in high school/college, so before they ever joined the FBI. They're probably gonna be pretty long, so buckle up. Thought it was a neat concept, enjoy! ~🌸

A fourteen year old starting college was rare to say the least. That's why you were so surprised to find that you were one of two fourteen year olds starting at Caltech that fall. The school president invited you to come down with your parents to campus prior to moving in, introducing you to your genius counterpart.

"Y/N Y/L/N, this is Spencer Reid, Spencer Reid, this is Y/N Y/L/N," the older man said, looking between the two of you.

"Nice to meet you," you said, extending your hand politely.

He grimaced at your hand, raising his hand in a meek wave, "Uh, hi."

Your face contorted in confusion. Was he so stuck up that he wouldn't even shake you hand? But at the same time, if he was stuck up, wouldn't he not be so shy?

His mother, a frail looking blonde woman, clutching her purse as she stood behind him spoke up, "Sorry, Spencer has a thing about handshakes. He's a bit of a hypochondriac."

Spencer flushed pink, shrinking into himself a little.

You just offered him a small smile, "I totally get it, the number of pathogens passed through handshakes are staggering. Fist bump instead?"

You offered him your extended fist and almost missed the look of total adoration on his face. He gently nudged his closed fist against yours, staring at you like you had just spoken in his own secret language. In a way, you had.

The president chuckled at the interaction before carrying on with the meeting at hand, "Since the two of you are so young, your dorm rooms are private and you have an assigned dorm mom, Stacy. If you need anything, she's the one to go to. She'll check in on you periodically, and you are to report to her at midnight every night for curfew. Your rooms are right across from each other, we figured being close to one another might help you adjust easier. Any questions?"

Murmurs of "no" and "we're good, thank you," echoed around the room and you were dismissed. Once outside, your parents talked to Spencer's mother before announcing that you were all going out for lunch together. Spencer looked at you and when your eyes met, he quickly looked away, cheeks pink again. You liked it when he blushed like that. It was really cute.

Once at the restaurant, a 50s style diner, your parents insisted on you and Spencer sitting separately in the booth next to them. Spencer's mother agreed, saying it would be good for you to get to know each other. You shot your parents an embarrassed glare and slid into the red leather booth.

Spencer scooted into the seat across from you, the pink shade of his cheeks appearing permanent at this point. He scanned the menu in seconds before setting it down.

"You been here before?" You asked, assuming he already knew what he wanted.

"Oh, uh, no, I just read really fast," he stuttered.

"How fast is really fast?" You asked curiously.

"Roughly 20,000 words per minute," he said shyly, scratching the back of his neck.

"20,000 words per minute?" You echoed, completely bewildered. Sure, you were crazy smart, but that was almost inhuman.

"It's, uh, it's not that big of a deal," he shrugged, staring down at the table.

"How long does it take you to read, say, a 400 page book?" You quizzed.

"Half an hour, maybe less," he answered.

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