BAD bitch, GOOD woman!

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Remaining Trill Chapter: 10

Omniscient P.O.V

The sky was a beautiful ombré color, as day began to break. The night was restless, after giving the full story on what happened at the club to Mir and the others Zay and Zuri headed home. When they arrived Zay decided to go back by the club, but Zuri wouldn't let him go alone. Partly because the shooters were unknown and still breathing, and also because of the news that Ciara had shared with them in regards to Cartrell. She didn't want to be alone, nor did she want to be away from Zay. Zuri's heart beat quickened, while she held on tight as Zay zoomed through the streets of Cali on the hind wheel of his motorcycle. This wasn't safe,but she felt safe with him. Placing her cheek to the back of the cold leather jacket that he wore, she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. The thrill of Zay excited her, it captured her, and it scared her all at the same time. Zuri had tried to settle but she wasn't happy, she tried boring, and she tried what she thought was normal but it didn't quite satisfy her the way that Zay did. She knew that this life was dangerous but Zay lived it, and Zuri knew what it was like not to be apart of Zays world. She never wanted to feel that again, because a world where Zay and Zuri didn't exist just didn't sound right. This world was chaotic but it was fucking beautiful, Zay was a walking fucking hazard, but if he bussed his gun then surly believe that Zuri was gonna buss hers too. The kick back of her gun made her nipples hardened, the melodic sound of shots firing made her juices flow, and the feeling of Zay behind her whispering in her ear saying "now empty that bitch out." made her clit swell so big that if she squeezed her thighs tight enough together, she was sure to cream the seat of her panties. Lowering his bike back down on both wheels he pulled onto their street, approaching the gate their security granted access. Removing her helmet, Zuri climbed to the front of Zay and she now sat in front of him holding both sides of his face. "Wassup?" He asked, after giving her one peck to the lips. "I love you." She said, looking into his eyes. It's like Zuri was able to see the bad boy and her lover boy go against each other. Almost as if he was battling himself, she knew he was soft on her. But she needed him to know that it was okay for him to show that side of him to her as well. Yes, she loved the swagger, the street, the mean, the finesse, and the hood ass nigga that he is. But she craved the softer side of him too, and not just when they were making love. "I love ya clingy ass too." He said smirking, smirking that damn smirk. It was the smirk that made Zuri wanna blessed this nigga with more than a few of his big headed ass babies, the smirk that had her yearning to ride his dick until he was satisfied no matter how exhausted and tired her or her knees got, that smirk made her want to submit to and shut the fuck up for this nigga. Zay called her clingy because whenever she witnessed something with him, she would cling to him more than she normally would and the shooting at the club had scared her. He knew she would never admit, but he could tell. He knew Zuri better than he knew himself. "I'm not clingy, I'm in love. So with that being said Xzavier, hear me when I say that I don't give a fuck who's against you. I'm willing to die about you okay, and I know that this is probably the most unhealthiest way to feel about another person especially when we have two little girls depending on us, but baby I've been in a world that you were not apart of and I hated it. Zay there was no purpose, so I'm asking you not to ever be selfish enough to leave me in a world where you do not exist. Baby I wouldn't be able to do it, and I will follow you." Zuri said,and her voice cracked. "Zuri." Zay started, but stopped as she smashed her lips against his. He could feel her lips trembling, but then she pulled away. "Promise me Xzavier!" She said, looking into his eyes again as a tear cascaded down her right cheek. "I promise ma." He said, and kissed her tear away. Zuri knew he meant it, but she didn't feel the conflict behind it. Zay knew he wasn't invincible hell none of them were, shit gets real, and shit gets fucked up. He just prayed that god wouldn't let him break his promise to her.
The in home office was quiet but she knew he'd be there, she knew that he had made the call to start a war, that she wasn't sure her father could win."You said low profile no?" Anella asked, as she sat across from Adisa. He said nothing, as the cigar illuminated when he took a pull from it, and slowly exhaled the smoke. She knew her father had a score to settle, but she didn't want it coming in between the reunion she planned to have with her niece and nephew, but she also couldn't let the reunion come between she and her father. "I'm well aware of what I said." He said in a low baritone, he was uninterested in walking down memory lane. He did what he did, and he did what he wanted. Permission from his daughter wasn't needed. "Well you're certainly in no position to let off that many rounds alone, and you surely did not keep me in the loop of what you had planned, or about you coming here to California which means you've hired someone." She said, pointing out the fact that he was bound to a wheelchair, and that he had double crossed her. Her agenda was never to bring harm to her niece and nephew, it was simply to help her father bring down Julian, now it just seems like he was gunning for everyone associated with him including his own grandchildren. "Is that your way of telling me you've chosen a side?" Adisa asked, looking at his daughter through hate filled eyes. The betrayal of Nigeria made Adisa look at his daughter side ways, thinking she had something up her sleeve, and that she would in some way choose Julian and his family over him. Just like his oldest daughter had done before."Daddy I would think you knew me better than that." She replied, never breaking eye contact with him. Her fathers approval meant everything to her, every since she was little. She always felt like she didn't compare up to Nigeria. Adisa idolized his oldest daughter, and just over looked his youngest. She desperately hoped that being his protégé in taking down Julian, would make him see her the way he saw Nigeria. "I thought I knew your sister well enough as well, and look where that got me." He stated coldly. Anella never did understand why her father was such a bitter old man, Hell even on his death bed he was still seeking vengeance. 80 years old, and he was waisting what time he had left trying to get back at someone, for something her sister had brought onto herself. "I am not Nigeria, and is this what's at the top of your bucket list?" She spat becoming upset with him, it was her way of showing what resentment she had towards him. All the years that she had gone unnoticed, felt uncared for, & invisible. In the end she would inherit everything he had, and it still wasn't enough. What she wanted, he had ran out of time to give, and she looked at this as her last chance to seek it. "You're right." He said surprising her, she had never expected him to admit that he was wrong, so it caught her by surprise. "You are not Nigeria, and you never will be. Get your head in the game, and quit waisting what time I have left with your uncertainty, and bitch fit ranting. What's done is done. Now get out, and wait for my call." He added, seeing that her breath was caught in her throat. Anella wanted to argue back, she had a rebuttal but being obedient she did what she was told to do, and left. She didn't know her fathers next move, but she needed to warn her niece and nephew.

Remaining TRILL pt.2Where stories live. Discover now