Trill That Way

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Remaining Trill Chapter: 11

" Then be here Mir. You can't have one foot out of the door, and the other one in. You have to pick a side, the side that we're all on hopefully and baby I got you. We got you."
- Queen Carter


Omniscient P.O.V

The room was silent and shock was apparent, as everyone sat consumed by their own thoughts. Their faces were emotionless, and their feelings were numb, because this fact of life was unfortunately all too familiar to them, and it happened way too often. Death was like a dark cloud blocking the sun, when it came to them,and their families.
It was always one rainy day after the other, and deep down inside none of them knew what to do next. "How you wanna do it?" Mir asked, as he sat elbows to knees with his hands clasped together. Zay said nothing, and never looked up from the floor that his stare was burning a hole through. Vaeh sat on the arm of the chair that Mir occupied, and Zuri sat next to Zay not moving as her eyes filled with tears. "Breathe!" Zay said finally breaking his silence, as he grabbed her hand then gave it a soft kiss. Zuri may not have necessarily liked Ciara, but she never wished death upon her. She was still the mother of a child she had grown attached to. She was someone's daughter, granddaughter, & Friend. "How about we all just take a beat, it's been a long night and it doesn't seem to want to end. Tomorrow will be hard enough, so let's just try to rest tonight." Vaeh said, as she stood along with everyone else in the room ignoring the dizziness that she felt. "Agreed." Mir said, with a slight nod of the head. Vaeh gave Zay a hug, and could immediately tell that it was only his shell that she was holding, his embrace wasn't the same. And his breathing was heavy. "Don't act out of emotion, it'll get you hurt. Don't give him what he wants." She whispered, and he rubbed her back in response before she let go to give Zuri a hug as well. "It's not your fault, so stop blaming yourself." She said, making Zuri nod her head. "Easier said than done." Zuri whispered back. Her thoughts were all over, and the only one that really stuck out to her was had she not brought him into their lives, then things would be better. She wouldn't say it out loud tho, this was hard enough for Zay and it would be even harder for Zaya. "Mommy." Jamari whined rubbing his eye with one hand, and holding his stuffed dog in the other. His wheezing indicated why he had woken up. "Come on baby." Vaeh said, bending down to pick him up. The wave of dizziness returned, as she stood back up straight and slightly stumbled. "You good?" Mir asked, with his arm now around her waist. "Yeah, I'm gonna go give him his asthma treatment, and check on the other kids before I serve dinner." She replied,and headed up the long staircase.

Carberry sat perplexed as she had yet to leave the Carter's home, she wanted to know who the mysterious man was. Mir's words were on a loop in her head. "Let's just say I'm the nigga that'll give Chief Soriano a call, and have your fucking badge yanked detective. Giving the fact that you're way out of your jurisdiction." Picking up her cell phone she dialed the precinct number. "NYPD non-emergency, Morgan speaking. How may I direct your call?" She heard, when the line was answered. "Hey Morgan, Carberry here. Can you run a name for me." She asked, typing their address into her laptop realizing Ja'mir never told her his name. "Sure wha'cha got for me?" Morgan asked. "Ja'mir Carter." Carberry said, and when she didn't here her typing she cleared her throat. "Ummm give me one second Val." Morgan said, hesitantly before the call was being redirected. "Soriano." She heard her chief say. "Dammit." She cursed under her breath. "Carberry I can hear you breathing." He added, waiting for her reply. "Yeah I just needed a name, it came up in a case I was following up on." She said, telling the first lie that popped into her head. "Bullshit, I'll tell you what. You're either back here, and on desk duty tomorrow or your ass is fired. This here is above your pay grade, and the city of New York are not taxpayers in Los Angeles. Don't ruffle the wrong feathers Detective get back here now." He said, then ended the call. She didn't know what the hell was going on, but she was determined to find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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