Severed Unity

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A/N: this one was not based off of one of @rxsesareblue's prompts/ideas. This one was based off the one word prompt "surreal" from @BreddingtonBear on Twitter.

TRIGGER WARNING: death, suicide

Brett was devastated. Their country was at war. But he hadn't know it had been as bad as it is. He found out in the worst possible way. Officers had come to his town, pounding on doors, taking friends, family, away. One person fit to fight required from each household, they said. They had come pounding on Brett and Eddy's door. Brett was going to volunteer himself so Eddy wouldn't be in danger, but Eddy got to it before him, and they left before he could say anything. Why couldn't he have said something instead of standing there, half paralyzed with fear? Why were they taking their own people and leading them into war like the lamb to the slaughter? Why did it have to be Eddy? Why not him? Eddy had things to live for, but Brett? He didn't have anything without Eddy here with him. He didn't have anything with Eddy in danger. He would have nothing if Eddy died. But he couldn't do anything besides hope and pray to whatever deities might be listening. So hope and pray he did.
Brett's face was pale, nearly white. His heart was pounding, the blood roaring in his ears. He couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't think. His hands had instantly gone clammy when he heard the pounding on the door. He was terrified when he opened the door and saw the officer standing there, head hung low. He could barely even hear what the officer was saying. All he saw was the white envelope in the officer's hand. The white envelope they use to inform family of a soldier's death.
Everything came crashing over Brett once he closed the door. The stress, the pain, the longing, the grief, the sadness, it all crashed over Brett like an enormous wave, drowning him. He crumpled to the floor, tears rapidly leaking out of his eyes. And yet, he could feel himself growing distant, growing numb. He felt as if this was happening to someone else on screen, and he was just a bystander looking in. It didn't feel real. Eddy couldn't be gone. He couldn't. But the envelope said otherwise.
Brett opened the envelope. It took a couple tries, as his hands were so shaky, but he finally got it open. It was blurry from all the tears, but he kept reading. By the end of the letter, the paper was soaked.
Eddy had been on a mission at sea. They had been attacked. The ship Eddy was on had sunk. The other ships had seen no survivors.
Brett couldn't comprehend it. Everything at once, it was just too much. He refused to believe his world was dead. He refused it. Eddy was still alive. He was somewhere out there. No, he wasn't gone. Just lost. He was just lost. He'd come back eventually. He had to.

Brett curled up on the floor and cried himself to sleep, hugging Eddy's blanket close.
2 years later
Eddy had still not come home. Brett had finally accepted the fact that Eddy was gone, torn away from this world prematurely. He would not be coming home. He was not just lost. How naïve Brett had been to think he was lucky enough to have his love survive the war. No, he was sure of it. The universe hated him. That's why they took him. The universe hated him and was trying to punish him. For what, he had no idea. But he didn't care anymore. He didn't care about anything anymore. Twoset had died off, the comments asking if they were ok slowly dying down to nothing. Their violins had gathered dust in the corner, not seeing the light since the day Brett had gotten the letter. He knew Eddy wouldn't want him to throw away his passion, but it was too painful. It reminded him of Eddy. And, either way, his passion had seemed to die the second he got that fateful letter. In fact, most of his emotions had died when he found out he had lost Eddy. The only thing left was a gnawing, Eddy shaped hole in his black heart. But Brett blocked off that part. He barricaded the memories in his mind. He couldn't think about him. It was too painful. But as much as he tried, it didn't work. Eddy was the only thing he could ever think about. And it was taking its toll on Brett. But he didn't see it until it was too late.

Brett was sitting on the cliff above the sea. He and Eddy had always loved to come to this spot. They begged their parents to be taken here whenever they had the time. It was so peaceful, so serene. It was protected from the harsh summer sun by the trees, but not completely shaded. It was the perfect amount of shade; dappled sunshine covered the rolling carpet of grass. The trees encircled the small clearing, stretching their branches overhead the small, bright wildflowers dotting the soft ground. The only noises were the waves softly breaking against the shore far below, the wind gently humming through the branches, and the birds sweetly singing their songs, each one unique. They had often come here to practice. Brett remembered they used to practice solo repertoire and give each other their opinions on how to improve, and then they'd practice their duets. What they played varied, but the most common piece they'd play was Navarra. Brett still remembered how Eddy had seemed to sink into the music, delving into it and disappearing into a different world. He had discovered many new things about Eddy here. Including his love for Brett. He still remembered that night. Brett had had a crush on Eddy forever, but was too scared of ruining their friendship to say anything. But that night, that changed; they had been running around, Eddy chasing Brett, for what reason, he did not remember. But Eddy finally caught Brett, almost making them both fall, and they had instinctively grabbed onto each other. But they had stood there embracing long after they had regained their balance. He didn't know what had come over him, but he decided to confess to Eddy. He still remembered Eddy's bright, warm smile creeping over his face after the shock subsided. He still remembered the electricity from their first kiss that night. He still remembered the warm, fuzzy feeling he had in Eddy's arms. Home, he thought. That's what that feeling was. It was home.
Brett hadn't realized he was crying. He didn't know when he had started crying, or how long he'd been standing there, lost in the memories. Taking a breath, he walked over to the spot they'd used to sit and watch the sunset, legs dangling over the edge. He looked down. The bottom was soft sand, but from this height, it would still kill him. Brett stared down at the waves crashing against the sand, contemplating. There was nothing for him here. He longed to be with Eddy, to be in his arms again, to be surrounded by his warmth and love. But he couldn't have that. At least, he couldn't in this world. But maybe, just maybe, there is an afterlife. And Brett was willing to take that chance, rather than stay in this world with no chance of seeing Eddy again. Besides, he couldn't live a whole life without Eddy. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and-

"I thought I'd find you here when you weren't at the house."

Brett's eyes flew open. He couldn't believe it. It had to be his mind playing cruel tricks on him. Eddy couldn't be here. He was dead. But his voice had seemed so real. Brett did not dare to turn around, terrified Eddy wouldn't be there, and that it was all just some delusion. But curiosity and longing forced him to turn around. And there he was, just like he had been when he had left, his body outlined with the morning sun's light. His hair was just the right amount of messy like always, albeit a little longer. His eyes, full of love and affection, his smile, full of warmth. The same Eddy. His Eddy.
He couldn't believe it. After all these years, Eddy was finally here again. After all those years, he wasn't dead. But then Eddy was pulling him into his arms, into his still familiar warmth. And as Brett wrapped his arms around Eddy and closed his eyes, burrowing his head into Eddy's hoodie and breathing in his scent, he knew it was real. His severed heart proved that; it was no longer in pieces. His Eddy was finally back in his arms, alive and safe, and he was never letting Eddy be taken away from him ever again.

"I love you," Brett whispered.
"I love you too."
And no more words were spoken as their lips met, uniting their stories of grief and longing and love into one.

A/N: Sorry I don't know what this is. I'm writing when I'm sleep deprived. Also I don't know how Eddy got back so don't ask. I guess he swam to shore and a family took pity on him and they helped him get a job and save up to get a ticket back home or something like that. Anyways, thanks for reading! Stay safe, and I hope to see y'all soon!

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