Tainted Reconciliation (Pt 2)

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The feeling of Eddy's arms around him, his lips on his, quickly faded, replaced by cold emptiness. Brett's eyes opened. He wasn't at the doctor's lab. He was in his bed at the camp. All of that had been a dream. Eddy wasn't here. He was somewhere out there, still trapped inside a monster. Brett didn't even know if he was alive or not. But the dream had seemed so real... Crushed, Brett sank back into the numbness of sleep.
Brett still remembered that dream. At first, he had thought that maybe, just maybe, he would get lucky and that would actually happen. He remembered when the doctor said they had a new test subject, Brett's heart would jump a little. But it never was Eddy. He soon lost hope, accepting that the dream was just a dream and nothing real.
Brett often found himself walking by the edge of camp, eyeing the fence. It wasn't that tall; he could easily climb over it. He didn't know what would happen to him; he would probably die out there by himself. But at least he'd know what Eddy went through. Even that would put him closer to Eddy than where he was now.

Or so he thought.

There were rumors flying around the camp. Little whispers here and there. They said there was one lone zombie. It had been staying around the camp for a little over a month now. No one knew why it was staying around the camp. Everyone was terrified that more zombies were coming. But Brett wasn't terrified. He knew he should be. He tried to force himself to be. But he wasn't. He didn't know why he wasn't terrified. At least, he didn't know why until he saw the zombie.
Seeing Eddy standing there, meeting his eyes, their gazes locked, he felt a sense of deja vu. He had been here before... At least, dream Brett had been. And zombie Eddy was behaving exactly how he had been in Brett's dream. So what if Eddy would be able to come back if Brett went outside the fence? By now, Brett was desperate brought to have Eddy back. It had been too long, tortured with the faint memories of that dream, the memories of Eddy's love. He slowly walked along the fence to the gate, Eddy following his each step.
He slipped outside the gate, closing and locking it before turning around. He didn't know what to do; Eddy was just standing there, staring at him. He was about to speak when zombie Eddy lunged at him. He was too fast. Brett couldn't dodge it. He cried out as Eddy's teeth were sunk into the base of his neck. White spots blinded him, growing until all Brett could see was white.
And then there was nothing.
Soft hands were caressing his cheek, running through his hair. A soft voice murmuring about something. He couldn't quite make out what they were saying. It felt like he was trapped in a glass ball full of water, looking out into the world he could not hear. But these hands, this voice, they were strangely familiar, like they were from his childhood. He slowly opened his eyes, the light, albeit dim, blinding his eyes. A hand moved to shield his eyes, letting them get used to the light. Once he could see, he looked up to see who the hand belonged to. When he finally found the person's face, his heart stopped, his mouth falling open. It was Eddy. But it wasn't zombie Eddy. It was real Eddy. He didn't have that emptiness in his eyes, the telltale sign of a zombie. No, this was his Eddy, alive and well, the warm, pink tint back in his skin. Brett blinked, scared this was all a dream, this was all a hallucination, his mind playing tricks on him. But Eddy was still there. He reached out to touch Eddy's cheek, hesitant. But he was there. He was really there. His soft skin slightly warm to touch, Eddy leaned into his hand, placing his own over Brett's. Giving a small smile, Eddy whispered, "I'm so sorry, love. I-" His voice broke, and he looked down, unable to continue. Brett was confused why he was apologizing. But then it all came flooding back. He had gone outside the fence. Zombie Eddy had attacked him, had bit him. Panicking, Brett felt his skin, checked his pulse. But he was still alive. Confused, he looked back up at Eddy. His eyes wet with tears, he whispered, "It was you... your blood cured me. Something in it... it makes you immune to the infection, it cures it. I'm sorry for biting you, I wasn't-" He was cut off as Brett flung himself into Eddy's arms, catching him off guard. Smiling, he wrapped his arms around the familiar body, enjoying his warmth he had missed for so long.
"I love you," Brett whispered, barely audible.
His smile stretching even wider, he whispered back, "I love you too."
Now that he knew he was immune, that his blood was the cure, Brett wanted to go around and try to cure all those people who were trapped inside the zombies. And yes, Eddy knew how bad it was, to be fully conscious and able to think, but not be able to control your own body. And Brett's generosity and kindness were some of the things that made Eddy love Brett even more. But Eddy wasn't perfect. He was selfish. He wanted Brett to himself, at least for a little. But no, Brett was running around, finding zombies and healing them, leaving Eddy behind. He only gave Eddy a hi and a small smile in the mornings before running out of their camp to find more zombies to cure. He knew Brett was trying to help other people. But it felt like Brett forgotten about him, didn't care about him anymore, didn't need him anymore. It felt like Brett didn't love him anymore. Eddy knew he was being stupid. But whatever he told himself, he couldn't convince his heart.
Eddy tried to make himself happy, to make himself be satisfied with the smile he got every morning, but he wasn't. He tried to force himself to stop feeling neglected, tried to bury his feelings. It didn't work. He felt like he was just something in the background, something that didn't really matter to Brett. But feeling like that made him guilty, because he knew Brett was just trying to help others, that he hadn't forgotten him. At least, that's what he tried to think. But the guilt just led him to think he was a nuisance to Brett, nothing but an obstacle. Which again led back to the guilt. It was a vicious cycle. Eddy didn't even realize he was being dragged into a black hole until it was too late.
Brett felt uneasy the second he came into sight of the house they had camped at. Normally, Eddy would have lit the candles in the front windows by the time Brett got home. But today, the windows were dark. When he walked in, he saw the light filtering under the bathroom door. This only worried Brett more. Eddy had to have been in there for a long time if he hadn't lit the candles. And normally, by the time Brett got home, Eddy was already in bed.
He knocked on the door. There was no answer.
"Eddy? Are you ok?"
He waited for another couple minutes before he tried the door. It was unlocked. But he wasn't prepared for what he saw when he opened it.

Eddy was standing over the sink, a bottle in hand. A bottle of pills. An almost full one at that. Brett's mouth fell open. He had no idea... What if he had come one minute later? Would Eddy have already been gone? Walking into the bathroom, he pulled Eddy into his arms, burrowing his head into Eddy's chest. He had a million questions, a million things he wanted to say. But all he could get out was an "I love you."
But that was all Eddy needed.
They had talked things out that night, the shared tears washing away all the guilt, all the bad feelings. Brett only went out two or three days a week to cure the zombies now. With the increased time together, both were much more happy. Things almost felt like how they were before the apocalypse started. Sometimes, they could even forget that they were in an apocalypse, instead being transferred back to the days before the apocalypse. A peaceful morning, waking up to the sun softly filtering through the curtains, landing on their lover's face, their hands still tightly wrapped around them. The strong smell of brewing coffee filling the kitchen, eggs frying on the stove, their lover's arms wrapped around their waist, hugging them from behind. And maybe, just maybe, things would go back to how they were. The infection was slowing down, zombies were dying off or being cured.
But one thing would never be the same. Brett and Eddy would no longer be dating.

No. They would be married.

A/N: Hi guys, sorry this took so long to write. I wasn't originally going to do a part two, but I got an idea. I kind of think I should've just left it at one now that I've written the second one. It's not great but oh well. Hope y'all enjoyed! Also if y'all have any requests or prompts or ideas you want written please feel free to comment or something!
Anyways, thanks for reading!
Stay safe
- Horselife

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