Chapter 9

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Preston's and Lucie's relationship seemed to grow everyday. They were inseparable, and very close. The flash-back-Friday movie nights had become a tradition, and every Friday they would go see whatever movie was on. So far they had seen The Outsiders, breakfast at Tiffany's, Pretty in Pink, and the Breakfast club (they had to sneak into the Breakfast club since it was rated R, but they left money under their seats).

Lucie was rather curious about Preston's school. She had never gone to a public school and wondered what it was like.

"Why don't you just sneak in for the day," Preston joked.

"But could that actually work?" She laughed.

"If you just walk through the front doors in the morning, everyone would just think your a student. You just can't be in any classes when they take attendance."

"It's that easy, I can just walk in."

"Yeah I guess," Preston laughed, still joking.

He went to school the next day. He went up to his locker and began taking of his small sweatshirt. He still wore long sleeves everyday, he still had scars he didn't want people to see.


He turned around in total surprise to see Lucie walking towards him. Everyone was watching her, flabbergasted.

"L- Lucie?! What are you doing here?"

"I snuck in," she laughed.

"What- no, I was joking..."

"I know, but I thought, hey, why not," she laughed.

Preston didn't know what to do. She couldn't leave now, the office would stop her. Students couldn't just leave and that was one rule that no one really got away with.

"Come with me..." Preston said grabbing her hand and taking her down the hall. Everyone was staring, they knew she was the girl that had broken Penny's nose. More than one person even came up to her about it.

Preston led her down the stairs and into the music hallway. The music hall was a long hallway with all different rooms meant for music, the band room, the chorus room, and side doors to the auditorium.

The whole school had video cameras. If you weren't in a classroom, you were under surveillance, but, there was one exception. Down the band hall was a little room that led to the stage to the auditorium. That little room was the only place in the school that wasn't under surveillance (minus the classrooms of course, and the bathrooms, but there were teacher in the classes and hall monitors checked the bathrooms).

"Stay here, until I come to get you," Preston said. Lucie laughed.

"I have to stay in here? How long, I'll get bored!"

"Here, just-" he handed her a book, but then had to leave so he wouldn't be late to homeroom.

He went through all morning, stopping between classes to check on the very bored Lucie, who was stuck reading his history book. Finally, Lunch came and he went to go get her.

When he arrived, he found two more people in there with Lucie. Two Juniors, a boy named Justin and his girlfriend, but Preston didn't know her name.

"Oh, here he is," Lucie laughed.

Justin and his girlfriend had no doubt ditched class to make out and who knows what else in the little room. Not many people knew about the little room, but the ones who did sure put it to use. They were probably surprised to find Lucie in there.

"Yeah, well, come on Lucie," Preston said and took her out of the room.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

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