Chapter 5

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Preston didn't get out of my bed until 1:00 in the afternoon. He rolled himself out of his comfortable bed and stumbled down the stairs to the tv room. He turned the tv on and flipped through the channels for something to watch. There wasn't much on so he went upstairs and took a shower.
He used the hairdryer to blow his hair dry so his hair was in a swooshy manner.

The party started at 7:00 that night, and Preston still did not want to go. He had anxiety just thinking about it.
His parents were both working today so he had the house to himself. He blasted his music as he got something to eat from the kitchen. He made grilled cheese and tomato soup and ate it while checking his Instagram.
He watched tv for a while longer. Before he knew it, it was six. He still hadn't decided if he was going yet. He thought back to what Lucie had said, to go because they didn't want him too. He wasn't even sure exactly what that meant.

Before he had even processed what he was doing he had put his converse on and his sweatshirt, and was heading out the door. He walked around the town first, wondering what to do. It was almost seven and it was still a good twenty minutes walk.

He decided that he would go. He could always leave if he wanted to, right? He made it to Caige's house at a around 7:30. He walked up to the door his stomach do flips of nervousness. The house was already full of people, he heard them screaming and laughing. He went to knock, but the door swung open before he could. He stumbled back a little. Lucie appeared around the door with a big smile.

"You came!" She laughed and pulled him inside. Guess it was too late to go home now. She led him into a living room where music was playing. People he recognized from school were sitting around and talking. They were already getting rowdy.

All eyes were on him. Caige came into the room looking surprised Preston actually came. He looked like he was about to say something, but someone knocked on the door and he went to answer it. A group of five people came in, Preston knew all of them from school. Preston sat down in an empty seat and just scrolled through his phone, even though he didn't have anything to do on it. He tried to make himself as invisible as possible. As the party went on everyone got more and more loud and rambunctious. Caige's parents were out of town, and he said they had no idea about the party.

It was now dark outside and every now and then a new arrival would walk through the door. The house was hot and crowded and Preston didn't know why he was still there. His anxiety was really bad.

He caught sight of Lucie as she walked into the room. She was being followed by about twenty guys it seemed and was talking to a few girls Preston recognized from school. Penny was one of them, along with Sarah, Brooklynn, and Emma. All of them were "popular" girls. Caige was following her, and Ella was following him.

Lucie laughed and reached into her pocket taking out a plastic bag full of pills. Preston felt something like disappointment at the sight of it. He couldn't hear what she was saying, but she began handing out the pills and they all began swallowing them down with whatever drink they were currently drinking. They all stood around giggling before going around as a group handing out more pills. It seemed everyone was taking them.
A few minutes later everyone started going crazy. Way more crazy than before, and it had to be the pills. He noticed the few people who hadn't taken them, mainly people that had been sitting around the room with him, weren't going insane.

Lucie walked into the room again.

"Ace!" She said with a laugh, "You've been sitting there all night!"

Preston shrugged, he was still disappointed about the pills, "I don't like parties much."

She smiled, "Want to hear something funny?"

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