Chapter 6

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It was Sunday, and the library was closed. Otherwise, Preston would have gone on the off chance he'd find Lucie there.

He ended up walking around the town, listening to music. He had gotten into trouble the previous night by his dad, who was drunk, and well...yeah...thats never fun.

He wondered if he'd see Lucie again. They had lived in the same town for years and never came across each other, until that day in the library. Who knows if they're paths would meet? It's not like she had a phone he could call or text her on, she didn't go to his school, he didn't know where she lived, he didn't even know her last name.

Wellingtown was by no means a small town, it bordered on being a city. Well, no, not that big, but definitely not small. The only way he thought of seeing her anytime soon is if they met at the library again, she had gone there two days in a row. Maybe there was a chance? He decided to go to the library right after school tomorrow.

Preston sighed, he always seemed to find himself walking around town alone. He went home and wasted time on his phone for the rest of the day before falling asleep.

And then it was Monday. His typical morning routine went as usual. Before he knew it, he was at school with the rest of the half-zombied teens. His classes went slow, and his group biology project was terrible. They got zero work done, and Caige kept asking Preston about Lucie. How do you know Lucie? Where is she from? Blah blah blah. Penny and Ella definitely weren't happy about his interest in Lucie. Preston wasn't thrilled about it either, how could he compete against Caige? He almost rather be made fun of than talk about Lucie with Caige.

Finally, the day came to a close and everyone piled on their buses to leave. The bus dropped Preston off at his house and he immediately began walking to the library. He went inside, waved at the librarian, and sat down in the back. The only other people in there was the librarian and some other elderly lady growing frustrated with a computer. The librarian went over, doing her best to help.

He sat at that same wooden table for hours, just playing around on his phone. Every time the door opened he'd look up excitedly, only to find it was someone else. He began to lose hope and the librarian was casting him dirty looks for just sitting around for so long. he grabbed a random book of a shelf and pretended to read. He decided he'd stick around until 6:00, and then leave if Lucie still hadn't shown.

The door opened at around 5:45. Preston didn't even bother to look up, he was already about to leave.

"Hey Ace," said an excited voice. his stomach did a flip, but not out of nervousness, out of excitement.

"Hey," Preston said looking up with a smile.

"Still working on the group project?" Lucie asked sitting down.

"Oh..uh, yeah."

She turned the cover over on his book and raised an eyebrow, " plan on researching biology in Wuthering Heights?"

Preston hadn't even noticed what book he had grabbed, he had just grabbed a random one of the nearest shelf. He smiled nervously.

"It's um...for an English group project," he lied. She nodded and laughed.

"Well, its a good book. A little boring, but still good."

"You' it? Did you have to for school?"

She looked away with that nervous look on her face again, the same one she had when he asked where she lived.

"No...not for school," she looked back at him with a smile, "Just for fun."

"Well what's it about?"

"Oh, I wouldn't want to spoil it," she laughed. she tapped the page it was open to, "Your already half way through it anyway."

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