Chapter 4

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Preston let out an exhausted groan as his alarm obnoxiously went off. It was 6:00 already? He sat there a moment before finally getting up. He fixed his hair the best he could in the mirror. He needed to cut it again soon, it was getting a little too long. After being satisfied with his hair he changed into clothes for school. He had on black jeans and a plain white T-shirt.
At 6:47 the bus stopped at Preston's bus stop. He climbed up the stairs and into his seat.

The day went by quick enough, which wasn't such a good thing. Preston had to meet with his group at the library after school today, and he was dreading it. He had anxiety when he had to communicate with people in any type of way, even his parents. He had anxiety just walking through the halls. Anywhere he had to see people he had anxiety.

School ended and before he knew it he was on the bus heading home. It was an average bus ride, lots of screaming kids and things being thrown at his head.

He didn't even bother telling his Mother he was leaving. She was looking at kitchen cabinets on the Internet. She was redoing the kitchen. They had just finished refurnishing the living room too. She was slowly redoing the whole house actually, for the second time since they moved here four years ago. Preston had been twelve at the time, back when he was still happy without a care. He had always been quiet and preferred being by himself, but he hadn't been depressed and that was something. It was less than a year later though that he started his depression and anxiety and all the other issues that came with it.

He walked down the street, the weather was at that temperature where your hot with a jacket on, but cold with it off. He made it to the library. He sighed and opened the door, preparing himself. He found Caige and Ella sitting at a table. Ella was trying to make conversation with Caige, but he wasn't really cooperating. He was looking around, obviously hoping for Penny to show up. He caught sight of me.

"Oh hey, Preston's here," he said with his usual friendly looking evil grin. Preston nodded and awkwardly sat down next to Ella, Caige across from them. Preston set his phone down on the table.

"So this is what I found so far..." Ella began, Preston only have listening.

"Hey," Penny said as she finally arrived, sitting down next to Caige. Ella looked at her a little annoyed, she obviously wanted Caige to herself. She continued again, while Preston felt himself dozing off. He had hardly slept the night before and could hardly help himself. That is, until, Caige's hand shot across the table and took Preston's phone.

"Give it back," Preston said sounding very timid. Caige only laughed. Preston did a half hearted reach across the table, but of course Caige easily stretched it out of his reach. Penny reached out and took it from Caige, and for a fleeting moment Preston thought she had stolen it to give back, but no, of course not.

"Hmmm.." She said with a sly smile. She slid up the menu and pressed play in his music. My Chemical Romance blasted out of the phone.

"I'm not okay?" Penny said with a laugh, saying the name of the song.

"Just give it back please," he said trying to take it again. They laughed, skipping through the songs.

"Your so weird," Caige said, making fun of every song that popped up. Ella laughed nervously, trying to be accepted by Caige.

"You only listen to emo songs," Penny said.

"No..." Preston said, even though it wasn't exactly true.

Penny began typing randomly in the screen, Preston strained to see what she was doing, reminding himself that she couldn't get past his passcode. He continued to try and get it back as they laughed.

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