Best Friends | Zach Herron (Request)

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Request for @Gpiggy20 I hope you like it, sorry if it's terrible, it's unedited but ya know what its ok. Enjoy!

Zach has been my best friend for years. We went to high school together, and I moved to LA with him when they started the band. Ever since we moved though, I've started to have feelings for him. All the guys have figured it out and are always trying to convince me to make a move or ask him out. I never have, because I'm too scared.


One Saturday evening, all of us are sprawled around Jonah and Corbyn's living room. We're watching a movie and eating pizza. I'm sitting next to Zach, and as I reach over to grab a piece of pizza he takes the opportunity to tickle me. I squeal and push him off of me, but he grabs my waist and tickles me again.

"Zach Herron!" I shriek. "Let me GO!"

The other guys laugh, and Zach finally lets me go. My face is flushed, red from the feeling of his hands on my body. I clear my throat and grab the pizza.

"Sorry. It was the perfect opportunity. What can I say?" he laughs, and I roll my eyes.

"You're so annoying." I tell him. Jack scoffs.

"You think we don't know?" the other three guys agree, and I settle myself back into the couch.

"Why are you blushing?" Zach looks over and asks me. I shake my head, and shrug my shoulders.

"Um...I'm just a bit hot. Yeah, I'm hot, that's all." I give him a small smile and he nods uncertainly.


We continue watching the movie, and soon a make out scene comes on. Everyone gets a bit uncomfortable, and I look over at Zach, who is looking just as uncomfortable as I am. Suddenly, without thinking I blurt.

"Imagine if that were me and Zach." As soon as the words leave my mouth, I feel my face heat and all the boys' eyes widen and Zach turns to me, a shocked expression on his face.

"What?" he says. Tears fill my eyes and I jump up, and run out. I grab my car keys and bolt out the front door. But before I can reach my car someone grabs my arms, pulling me back.

I spin around and see Zach standing there. I shake my head and wipe my eyes.

"Leave me alone."

"Y/N, listen to me. I...I really like you. And I'm sorry it took this long for me to tell you, but I really do." He steps closer to me, his hands on either side of my face. I open my mouth to talk, but I have no words. So instead, he leans down and kisses me.

I freeze for a split second, then kiss him back, winding my arms around his neck. After a few moments, we pull away. Zach smiles, and I giggle.

"That was..." I trail off, and he finished for me.

"Long overdue." He says, and I laugh, nodding.

"Very. Well um...what now?" I ask him, and he slips his hands down to my waist, holding me close.

"Well, I was thinking that we go back inside and tell the guys that they can all stop bugging you to ask me out because I've already done it." I pull back, giving him a cheeky smile.

"Is that your way of asking me out?" his eyes widen and rests his forehead on mine for a moment, before leaning back and taking a deep breath.

"Right. I should probably do that first. Well, then Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" he looks so cute and precious, and I nod immediately, unable to contain the smile on my face.

"Yes. Zach, I will be your girlfriend." He lets out a breath and kisses me again.

"Oh thank god. So now can we tell them?" Zach asks, and I nod again.

"Yes, we can tell them." I grab his hand and we walk back into the house, on our way to tell our best friends that we're finally together.

And I couldn't be happier.


Wellllllll look who it is. I'M ALIVE SHOCKING IK! But Happy New Year, Merry Christmas, or whatever you celebrate. But seriously,  I'm really sorry for not updating, but here this is, I've had a pretty shitty day, just started my period and I feel like shit. But I hoped you liked it!

I'm also soooo excited for the new album, it's going to be amazing. I mean, this is Why Don't We so what else can we expect?

Anyways, ily guys, and I promise this year I'll update a lot more : )))

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