Bad day | Jonah Marias

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I stalk into the apartment, slamming the door and throwing all of my stuff onto the kitchen counter. I don't know what it was about today, but it was just terrible. Everything that could go wrong, did. So on the drive home, I ranted and yelled to no one, in an attempt to get my anger out. Now thirsty from all the yelling that I did in the car home, I pour myself a glass of water, and drink the whole thing. Then I slam the glass down and make my way to the bedroom to change into comfier clothes.

I'm so busy fuming and muttering curses to myself that I don't notice Jonah sitting on the couch, mouth slightly open and staring at me. When I slam the bedroom door shut, he waits a minute, then stands up and slowly opens it again, poking his head in.

"Hey baby, how was work?" he asks. I'm in our small ensuite bathroom, about to run a shower.

"Great. Can you give me a few minutes? I'm gonna have a shower." I say, not in the mood to talk.

"Um, sure. I'll start dinner, I guess." Jonah says. I don't reply, just turning the shower on in response. I hear the door quietly click shut, and I step into the hot spray, cover my face with my hands and cry.

Jonah's POV

When Y/N left this morning, she was in a good mood. But then she came home, and looked like she could kill someone with a look. After she says she's going to have a shower I decide to start dinner, something she normally does. But she's obviously had a hard day, so I do it myself.

The water for the pasta is beginning to boil when I hear the shower turn off, then the sound of clothes rustling. Then there's a few seconds of silence, before I hear Y/N start sobbing.

I immediately drop the pasta I was about to put into the pot and run into the bedroom, to see her sitting on the floor in the middle of the room, crying her eyes out. I run over to her and kneel down beside her, bringing her closer to me. I don't say anything, but hold her, letting her cry into my chest. After a few minutes I pull back and look at her tear stained face.

"Hey, what's wrong baby?" I ask her, but she just shakes her head, not answering me. "Come on, talk to me."

Y/N wipes her eyes and takes a deep breath, then starts to talk. "I just had a really bad day."

"What happened?"

"My boss yelled at me, I dropped my coffee, and everything just seemed to go wrong. And there's so much pressure on me at the moment, because of everything going on with you and the band, and I'm getting hate and I just-" I cut her off.

"You've been getting hate?" she nods.

"Yeah. I hoped you wouldn't notice...I thought it would just go away." Y'N shrugs, her beautiful eyes filling with tears. I shake my head, pulling her close again..

"No, you shouldn't have to deal with that shit. You don't deserve it." I whisper, kissing the top of her head.

"I mean, I get it. I'm dating the guy that all the girls wanna date, and now they have no chance of doing that." She says, and I shake my head.

"That shouldn't matter. if they're my real fans then they should support me in whatever I choose to do, and if they don't, then they aren't proper fans." She opens her mouth to say something but I don't let her talk.

"Just listen to me. I think the absolute world of you, and so should the fans. You're such an amazing, beautiful and bright person and you don't deserve any of that. So just ignore it, and we'll figure it out, okay?" Y/N nods, and I place a kiss on the top of her head, letting my lips linger for a bit longer than usual.

"I love you. So much, you know that right?" she whispers, and I smile, nodding.

"I love you too. Now come on, I started dinner, we can watch a movie and just relax tonight, alright?" I stand up, pulling Y/N with me. She stands up, following me into the kitchen.

That night, we make dinner together (pasta, with a homemade sauce), and then settle down to watch a movie. Y/N falls asleep pretty fast, but I don't mind. I love watching her sleep, because she looks so peaceful, free from the stress and pressure of the world.

I smile, placing a gentle kiss on her head, and whispering to her, even though she's fast asleep. "I love you."

And I know she can hear me, because her mouth tilts upwards into a tiny smile.



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