The Fight For The Jungle Part 3

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The man raised his hand and screamed before he was swallowed whole by the snake mother. A shadow fell over us all when Karribou dived for Vouyootoyoo with a shriek. Knocking her away from the temple with a flash of silvery blood coating her talons.

With a great flap of her wings, she sent a hurricane flying for us all that was left on the temple. The bodies of the Loutai chief and Misaha were blown away and I almost was too. However, I was close enough to the tree to grab onto its bark and miraculously hold on just tight enough.

My fingers felt like they were going to be pulled off. I was straining so hard to not get blown away. Beside me, Y/S/N slithered for the tree herself, but she was not fast enough. She was blown away and off the side of the pyramid.

I screamed for her, my soul flaring up as I felt her hit the bottom. She was wounded, but alright. Karribou quickly fled up to the sky again to avoid the reach of Estaad who missed her by the quill of a feather.

When the wind died I flopped down to the roots, the pain in my hand and the pain I was feeling from Y/S/N was taking a heavy toll on me. To the side, I could hear Bobaazo and Togul continuing their fight.

I looked behind me slowly, my head feeling as if it just had a tree fall on it. Bobazo and Togul had their weapons together and were currently trying to force each other back.

Bobazo's eyes flicked over to me and a look of pure shock crossed his features. It was enough of an opening for Togul to smash his fist right into Bobazo's face.

His head cocked back as droplets of scarlet blood flew through the air. I cried out to him as Togul whirled his bow around and attempted to disembowel the green-haired shaman.

In a display of stunning acrobatics, Bobazo backflipped and tumbled back a few feet before regaining his footing and continuing his fighting stance. Togul growled and stalked forward again.

I cant distract Bobazo. With him keeping Togul busy that gave me the perfect opportunity to set fire to the tree. I pulled my pouches off of my belt and felt for the spark stones when I sensed something coming.

I leaped back just in time, though I dropped my bombs, and avoided a dagger strike that would have split my face open. I looked around, but my Shortspear had been blown off the temple by the winds.

I looked up at my attacker and saw Addily twirling the stone knife that Togul maimed her with in her fingers. She gave me a wicked smile and I glared back. She got back in a fighting stance, her smile never leaving her face.

" What's the matter Addily, got no more smart ass remarks? Your usually not this quiet. Yeah, that's because you know you lost. All three of the mothers are here against your tyrant. You tried too hard to work your way to the top because of your spite and your greed. If only you would have opened your eyes and saw that all along you were nothing but a worm. Worms get eaten by the birds, and the birds get eaten by the cats and the snakes." I growled to her.

" I know what's coming, but I will kill you before I get killed. You know more than anyone that I'm capable of that." She hissed back, though I did not miss the wavering in her voice.

" You more than anyone know you're not capable of killing shit. Your just good at letting others do all the dirty work and taking the credit." I sneered back.

I saw her nose twitch in rage as she started stalking forward. I had to keep going, just for a little bit longer. What else could I say to make her keep talking though? I took small steps back towards the steps as she kept getting closer and closer.

" Addily, you are probably the most delusional person I have ever met in my life. Do you really think your father would love you after all that you have done? Do you really think that Karribou would have kept you?! A foreigner in her clan after she had taken over the jungle? Don't you know the pitcher plant lures the fly in with the promise of a sweet treat before trapping it and eating it?" I said with the most disappointed sounding voice I could muster.

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