Chapter 7

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We have been at sea for a weeks time now and yesterday we lost a lot of our ships and a lot of good men. Right now we are just sitting on the boat.

"Father! Father look land!" Erlendur said

"Ha see I told you Ragnar always finds land." Horik said

I looked at Athelstan and he shook his head.

"What's wrong Athelstan? You know where we are aren't we?" I asked

"Yes I do." He said

"Come on Caroline grab a shield we are going on the land now." Father said

"Ok." I said and grabbed my shield and sword. I jumped over the side of the boat and landed in the water. We walked into the land and walked until we stopped to rest.

"Father I going to explore the stream and I'll be back in a half hour." I said

"Ok but be careful you have your sword, sheild, and ax right?" He asked

"Yes I will be fine." I said and started walking. I jumped up onto a rock and there was a little road path across the water that I can use. I know that my father and the Horiks are staring at me right now. I walked the little rock path until I reached the middle of the stream where a dry patch of rocks was. When I turned around I was right. Ragnar, Ari, Erlendur, and Horik where looking at me. I smile at them and continued. I walked until I came upon a cave.

"Wow." I said and I walked a little more into the cave and found something that caught my attention. It was a beautiful locket in the shape of a heart. I put it around my neck and hide it under my shirt. I walked out of the cave and walked a little bit down the stream. I do love this place it's so pretty and alive. When I got back I was shocked at what I saw. I was even more shocked when I saw Ari on the ground not breathing. I ran over to him and I checked is pulse. He is dead.

"What happened?" I chocked out

"They attacked us and killed Ari." Erlendur said

I was crying by now. Erlendur came to me and hugged me.

"He was my best friend." I said and cried into Erlendurs chest.

"I know and he as my brother." He said and I just cried

"Come on I will bring you to Ragnar." He said and I nodded. When we got to Ragnar he turned around and saw me. I must have looked terrible because he just hugged me. Athelstan also hugged me. We left to go to a village and raid there. Once we got there the village was quiet like to quiet and a bunch of men came running at us and we killed them and more men. Once we got in this temple we got some treasure. Then a man in nice clothes came in by Floki bragging him. I knew this isn't going to end very well.

"What are you going to do to him?" I asked

"First we are going to shoot arrows at him and then kill him." Horik said

"What?!?!?!?!?!" I screamed

"What's the matter can't handle it?" Floki said

"Yes I can't." I said

"Why not?" Horik asked

"He is a human just like you and I." I said

"No he is not he worships a false god." Horik said

"You do understand that they say the same thing about us. That we worship false gods and that we will go to hell." I said

"Well I don't care." Hoik said

"This is madness." I said

"Leave then." He said and walked towards the man.

"I'm sorry." I said to him and walked away from him. I stood towards the back of the room where a bunch of women with cloths above their heads. I mounted 'I'm sorry' to them. When we were done in the temple we went to set up camp. Once we did I didn't realize how tried I was until my head hit the pillow but I was some woken up by my father.

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