Chapter 8

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Today is the killing of Jarl Borg. Trust me I'm no happy about it. I understand what he did was wrong of him but do we really have to kill him using blood eagle. This is going to be fantastic (sarcasm). Right now I am getting ready for this killing and trust me I like I'm going to be sick.

"Father do I really have to witness this blood eagle thing?" I asked

"Yes you do daughter. You have too." He said

"Ok I'm going to go see Erlendur." I said

"Are you too dating?" He asked

"Yes we are father do you have a problem with that?" I asked

"No I don't but Horik will." He said and I walked out of the great hall to go see Erlendur. I knocked on his door and he opened it.

"You look amazing." Erlendur said

"Thank you" I said

"You don't want to see it do you?" he asked

"No I don't I think I'll be sick of I do but my father is making me though." I said and he laughed

"Well if you don't want to see it then you can burry your head in my chest if you want." He said

"Thank you." I said

"Your welcome." He said

"Time to go." He said

"Ok." I said and took his hand and off we went.

When we got there everyone was silent. No one spoke a word just the beating of the drums. When Jarl Borg came out of his cell he stumlbed a little and stopped to look at King Horik. He then procedded to where father was standing. He took of his cloak and threw it to his wife. He rasied his arms in the air and knelt down. Father began to cut open his back with knives. I just watched and held Erlendurs hand. Then father took an axe and started to break away his ribs and all I heard was Jarl Borg's screams. I buried my head into Erlendur's chest. Soon it was over and everyone departed. When I look up I saw Jarl Borg's back open and his lungs on his shoulders. It was a disturbing sight to see.

"Come on Caroline time to go." Erlendur said

"Ok." I said and left with him.

Next day

Today we are going back to England to see King Ecburt. I gonna tell you I'm pretty excited. I mean who wouldn't be. I was about to get in the boat when I heard my name.

"Caroline this time I have to go in my fathers boat I can't go with you." He said

"It's ok Erlendur I will be fine. Besides I have Lagertha and Ragnar with me. I won't be alone." I said

"I know but I will miss you." He said

"We are going to see each other when we are out at sea and we will see each other when we get there too. I will miss you too." I said and kissed him.

"I will see you soon." He said with a smile.

"See you soon." I said and he walked away.

"So are you and Erlendur together now?" Lagertha asked

"Yes we are." I said

"Well I'm happy for you." She said

"Thank you." I said

"Your welcome." She said and we climbed into the boat. We were at sea in no time. When we were out at sea I saw Erlendur looking at me and he smiled. I smiled back at him and continue to listen to the conversation that Ragnar, Lagertha, and Rollo were having.

"The seer told me something. That Athlestan was alive." Ragnar said

"He's alive. But I thought that he was dead. That is what King Horik lead me to believe.I am so happy that he's a life my best friend is alive." I said

Soon we were back in Wessex. And my father sent Toston to send word to King
Ecburt of our return. King Horik and my mother Lagertha we're not happy about this decision. I wonder what this raid will bring?

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