Chapter 6

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Hinata's pov:

It was morning, the sun light shone through my windows. I stayed up pretty late last night. So much happened in such a short period of time. It's been a day since Komaeda and I started dating, but he still hasn't woken up from the program. I was getting a bit worried. Isn't this what he wanted? He wanted us to date, so why isn't he waking up? It doesn't make any sense. If this doesn't work, what will? I tried not to think about it too much, since it just made me anxious. Just as I got dressed, I heard a knock on the door. It was Komaeda. He just let himself in, not waighting for my response, since the door knob was broken. "Good morning Hinata" he said and sat on my bed. "what are you planning to do today?" of course I had nothing planned and I didn't have any excuses. He follows me wherever I go anyway. Besides, I got used to his presence. "if you have nothing else to do, do you want to come to the library with me? If you want to of course, its completely reasonable to not want to be in the presence of a trash like me." There he goes with his self loaghting talk again. I hated it when he did that. I sighed in frustration. "you're not trash Komaeda, stop saying that!" I said, clearly annoyed. Komaeda didn't give any remarks to my comment, he just stay quiet as we headed to the restaurant.

Time skip

We were in the library, I was reading the detective mystery book Komaeda recommended to me. It was really interesting, I must admit, Komaeda has good taste. He knows a lot about different genres and books. Seems like he reads a lot. I glanced at him. He was reading what seemed to be a book about animals. "do you like animals?" I asked. It was just for a brief moment, but Nagito's expression changed. He looked... Almost sad. But he immidietly want back to his usual self. "yeah, I love animals, especially dogs. I had a very large one with a long, thick pale coat, floppy ears and a bushy tail. He had dark colored bright eyes and a kind expression. He sometimes wore a dark colored collar. it dyed becouse of my bad luck." "what do you mean becouse of your bad luck?" I said, not understanding how could his dog's death be his foult. "he was hit by a truck. Too bad, I liked that dog, he was very loyal and kind. he just had to be so unlucky to be in my presence." he said, like it's no big deal. Like he doesn't even care. (yes, nagito really had a dog in the actual game, and it got hit by a truck right in front of him. That probably must've troumatized him.)

Mabie he was trying to win my emphaty again, I just can't tell what he's thinking, I never know if what he's telling is the trouth. His personality is too complicated, I was never able to read him. I didn't know what to say, so I just continued reading the book, regretting I ever asked. I completely lost track of time, and when I finally decided to check the big, old looking clock on the wall of the library, it was already 3. 00.

Then Nagito persuaded me to go to the movie theater on the second island. We entered the theater and set on the chair at the very back, since Komaeda said you could see better from there. I always sit in the front when I watch a movie, but I didn't feel like fighting with him, so we just got seated at the back of the theater. Since we couldn't choose a movie we wanted to watch during the killing game, I didn't have much hope we'll be able to now. But to my surprise, we found some kind of an iPad near our seats, so we could choose a movie we wanted. After a while we finally decided to watch some science fiction movie. It was about some aliens invating the earth. Tho movie was boring. It didn't make any sense, and it was made really poorly, so I didn't pay much attention to it. And besides, Nagito was holding my hand the entire time, making me flustered, whitch made it even harder to concentrate. He also didn't seem particularly interested in the movie. He leaned closer, gently touched my neck with his other palm and kissed me. I kissed back. This time it was deeper and it lasted longer. I could feel his tongue inside of my mouth. He put his arms around on my shoulders and continued kissing me. We were kissing for what felt like a minute, before we parted our lips, a string of salvia still connecting our lips. I could see his face up close. He was breathing heavily, blushing. I want to mess his face up more. My whole body felt hot. I kissed him again, and then continued leaving hikeys down his neck. Nagito was trying not to moan too loudly, as he covered his mouth. I slightly lifted his shirt, touching his light, pale skin. Then the lights turned back on, making us completely aware of the situation we were in. It seems like the movie has ended.

Already? How long have we been making out? That was the second time we did this sort of thing. What am I even thinking? I probably shouldn't have done that. I kind of feel like I'm taking advantage of his state. I quickly stood up and apologized, and left the theater. Nagito was following right behind me, clearly confused by my actions. But he didn't ask any questions, noticing it was a sensitive topic.

Time skip

Afther that nagito suggested we go
to the Vendor street on the last island. It was night already by that time, sky filled with all kinds of colors. Vendor street was basicly like one of these Japanese festival streets, but without people. Food could still be found there thow. I have never been to a festival, so I was pretty exided. Everything felt offly quiet, no talking, screaming, no shows. It didn't really give off the festival spirit. It was so wierd. Like a ghost town. But it was still nice. We wentwent around, visiting the stands, but mostly talking. Then Komaeda suddenly stopped and turned to me, smiling. "hey Hinata, I have a surprise, so you just stay here and waight." He said, kissed me on the lips one last time, as he walked away. I just stood there puzzled. What had Komaeda had in store this time? A surprise? What's that supposed to mean? I was actually a bit exided.

A couple of minutes went by and nothing happened. I leaned against the stall and waighted. The time was slowly passing by, but Komaeda was still nowhere to be seen. I became kind of bored already. What the hell is taking him so long? And that's when it happened. I noticed a black smoke, that was quietly spreading across the stands, like fog. It was hard to see clearly and before I knew it, I was completely surrounded by it. The air became heavyer and I had trouble breathing. I looked around. It was so dark that if I extended my arm, I couldn't even see my palm. Am I going to die here if I don't do something? Seems like I have no choice. "???" I screamed, with the last bits of breath I had. Nothing. Nothing happened. I realised in horror.

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