Chapter 1

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Hajime's pov

It's been almost a week since the five of us woke up from neo world program. Surprisingly, we were able to keep our memories from the game. We decided to stay on the island in hope the others will wake up.

Time skip

Now we spent almost a month and a half on the real Jabberwoch island. Naegi and his friends suceded in persuading higher ups at hq to let us live. It seems like they decided that we are no longer a threat. They say our talents might be crusial to bringing pice to the world again.

Time skip

It has been about three months. We were geitting used to the lifestyle on this island. It was unusual that the only people that ever came to visit us were Naegi, Kirigiri and Byakuya. It seemed as thow all the others were afraid of us. Well, of course, it was understandable, after our past. But it really makes me sad. People still proceed us as just criminals.

Time skip

After three months and a half a miricle has happened! Our friends are beginning to show life signs. Some weaker than the others. We immidietly called the future faundation. But it was still risky to turn off the program, so some of the future foundation's best programers tried to figure out what was happening and a way to save them.

After a while Gundam and Ibuki were functional enough to wake them up. Mikan seemed to be getting better, so she should be able to wake up soon. Since our friends woke up most of them were busy with helping the future foundation, since their talents were desperately needed in this situation.

I was very surprised when Kirigiri called me to her office. We usually never talk. "so, why did you call me?" I asked. "it's about Nagito. According to our studies he should be able to wake up now, but for some unknown reason, he's still unconscious. Almost like he doesn't want to wake up, like he doesn't have the will to live. It's just a theory, but it would explain a lot of things. He willingly died in the game after all. You may wonder what you have with all this. Well, as you might already heard from your friends, they claim they were able to keep ther conciosness by creating another reality outside the neo program. Kind of like a very realistic dream. We want you to access his conscious state and undirectly persuade him to come back. But you can't tell him the place he's in is just a part of his imagination, that it's not real. becouse we can't know what kind of effect it'll have on him. it may even destroy the world he build for himself and consequently loose his consciousness witch means immidiate death." I understood, but I didn't like the idea of being all alone with this guy.  It is cruel to say it, but I kind of hoped he wouldn't have to see him again. Not after all he did. "why do I have to do it of all people? We weren't even friends, how am I supposed to help him?" I asked. "Nagito didn't have friends in the first place, you seem the closest person to him and one of few people who actually ever talked to him. So you are the best option. The process is pretty risky since we never tried to access another person's mind before, so we don't know to what complications might come becouse unlike neo world program, we can't control what happens there. And by the way, the time there seems to proceed at very similar speed as current time, just a little bit faster. 100.9 times faster to be exact. Ibuki said she dreamed to be with her family at her home town for approximately three months while we were here for three months and a half. Now you understand the situation. But I can't make you do anything if you don't want to, so... are you willing to do it?"

Am I willing to do it? I wasn't sure. He made our time on the island even worse than it already was. He almost made us kill each other. But he also helped and gave us some important clues, like in the final death room. Without him we might as well not make it out alive. I could say I hate the guy, but more than that, I must admit I'm terrified of him. I'm kind of afraid to meet him again. But I can't put my feelings in the first place. We stayed on this island in hope to save our classmates. And Komaeda is still one of us, no matter how you put it, so I can't just let him die if I had a chance to save him. This is our path to hope, and we're not leaving enyone behind. Even Komaeda. I have decided. "yes, I'm prepered to save him."

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