Chapter 10

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No one's pov:

In this chapter I'm adding something similar to a class trial. Im writing it in a dialog. At the end of each dialog will be a question and three possible answers. Choose the right one. If you don't feel like doing this, you can just skip the questions and read the answers below as the story progresses.

Nagito was looking at hajime with an unreadable expression.

Nagito: "What are you talking about? I was the one who prepared the smoke so I could kill you. That's the undeniable truth!" said Nagito, loughing, like Hajime was stupid for assuming otherwise

Hajime: "if that's the truth, then why did you leave the mask in the werehouse?"

Nagito: "thets just a coincidence! It was there before you came to the island!" he said in his usual, soft voice.

Something about Nagito's previous statement was wrong. What proves that?

× The fire stains on the walls.
× The mask in Nagito's cottage.
× The smoke.

Hajime: "no, that's wrong! When I came to the island and was looking for you, I found the mask in your cottage. You purpously moved it to the werehouse, didn't you?"

Nagito: "no, you can't prove that! When did I even have the time to do that?"

When did Nagito have the time to move the mask?

× At night, before Hajime woke up.
× When they were visiting the vendor street.
× Before Hajime came to the island

Hajime: "I see! It was at night! You adjusted the smoke bombs and put the mask there while I was sleeping!"

Nagito: "no, that doesn't prove anything! You're just assuming things. It could've been just a coincidence! There might've been two masks. One in my cottage and one in the werehouse."

Hajime: "if it was really just a coinsidance, then you would have no problem explaining this: why were you so confident that I wouldn't be able to leave the island? If you know I came here on my own free will, you must've assumed I had a way out of here too."

Nagito: "I... I just trusted my luck!"

Hajime: "Come on Nagito, even with your talent, the chances were extreamly slim. You might be insane and a huge risk taker, but that would be straight up stupid. It's not like you to make such a careless plan. And even if what you said was true, can you explain to me why did you have a gun?"

What does hajime mean by that?

× The gun is broken
× Hajime wonders where did Komaeda even get the gun from
× If Nagito was so confident the smoke would kill Hajime, why did he bring a gun?

Hajime: "If you were so confident smoke would kill me, why would you need even need a gun? There's no way I could survive the smoke without a mask. That's why you  put a mask in the werehouse. You hoped I would find it and saved myself with in in case I wouldn't be able to  get out of this simulation. If you need more evidence, we can always go check your cottage if the mask's still there."

" You wanted me to leave and save myself from this simulation."

Nagito began loughing like a maniak. That surprised Hajime and scared him. He was just laying there, loughing for what felt like minutes. "protect you, you said?" said Nagito. "I almost killed you! What if it wouldn't work? What if things wouldn't go as I planned and you wouldn't find the werehouse in time? What then? I'll tell you! You would die. You would've suffocated in the smoke and die." His voice was shaking as he spoke. "I just trusted my luck again. I knew it should work according to the amount of bad luck I've been getting. But are you fine with that? I've been using you all this time. You can't actually think of forgiving me? Why? That's not like you! I'm trash, you know I don't deserve anything. After all I've done..."

Hajime's pov:

I finally understood. I hugged him tightly, whitch surprised him. "You are not alone anymore! Even if you think you're trash, that you're not worth anything. I know you've done some terrible things, but you know, I'm not that innocent eighter. I did horrible things in the past. I was so insecure about being talentless. I was selfish, I just wanted to belong. I hated being normal. I hated the things I could never change. And many people died becouse of me. Becouse of my selfishness. It might be hard to go on, but please, your life is important too. Nagito, you don't have to be alone!"

Hello, I'm sorry it took me so long to write this chapter. I had a lot of work with school and didn't find the time and motivation to write. I hope I didn't make this too complicated. Let me know if I explained it well and your thoughts. I'll try posting more often from now on.

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