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The trip so didn't go as Jennie envisioned it. They were stuck explaining everything to their friends for the drive back to a nearby hotel. Surprisingly they believed them, probably because they did notice occasional changes in them and this explained it. Just when they wanted to form a searchparty to find Lisa, she called Rosé and asked them to pick her up. After Mina brought her to the hotel, they conversed in Rosé's room.

Apparently Lisa remembers everything but what she remembers doesn't make much sense to them. She dreamed that she was someone else. A man in his twenties, he wore a coat and camped at a hill. It was pretty cold but she had a fire and soup. After a few hours the dream ended and she woke up in her body. At a bus station, that's where she called the girls from.

"It was no dream." Jennie stated, lying on her bed.

"Or it was and Lisa has a multiple personality disorder." Jisoo closed her eyes, lying on the other side of the room. Only a bedside table separated their beds.

"Jisoo." Jennie frowned, turning the lamp on the bedside table off.

"It would make more sense than what you are probably thinking right now." Jisoo shrugged.

"It would but we both know, the logical explanation doesn't work here." Jennie raised her arm. "Look." She showed her the glowing count of switches on her arm. It was clear to see in the dark room.

Jisoo turned on her side and sighed. She seemed so over this but here they were, still struggling with that ordeal. "Can we just do as that man said? Use it up, and forget it ever happened. In fact, let's switch now."

Jennie wanted to disagree. She had no reason to do as that man requested, she didn't trust him. After all he could be the bad one. He was chased by armed people. For all Jennie knew he could be a criminal and those people were some sort of police from whatever parallel universe he comes from. But the exhausted look on Jisoo's face was enough for her to oblige. Allow her to just get over with it and move on with their lives.

Therefore, they switched the following days and only a single one was left. They decided to do that tomorrow because today they have a date. And they wouldn't really enjoy having a date with themselves (they'd rather look at each other).

"Remember when we went to the cinema with your psycho ex?" Jisoo asked and Jennie understood where she was going with that.

She wanted to take her to the same place and do it right this time. So Jennie followed her and even put up with Jisoo paying for tickets and snacks. After all it was Jisoo who wanted to take her on a date so she wouldn't go against her plans. When it's the other way around she will pay.

"Hey guys." Tzuyu greeted in her uniform. "Popcorn?"

"You can't watch a film without popcorn." Jisoo nodded, pulling out coins from her wallet.

Tzuyu filled the bag with warm salted popcorn and handed it to the raven. Jennie pursed her lips and stood beside Jisoo, contemplating if she also should say something.

"What are you watching?" Tzuyu asked, counting the money Jisoo handed her to give her the change.

"Some chick flick Jennie likes." Jisoo answered.

"We don't have to if you don't want to." Jennie whispered, her ears turning red.

"I want to." Jisoo assured her with a smile. She also slipped her hand down and took Jennie's clammy hand in her warm one. It managed to relax her.

So they watched the film together, even though Jennie is sure she felt a pair of eyes on her more often than not, throughout the duration of the film.

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