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"She's not like the usual shit you bring home." Jiyong praised. "That other boy was no good. I already noticed with the loose handshake he gave me."

Jennie was embarrassed for her father's straightforward remark about Jisoo but one glance to her right told her the elder didn't share that sentiment. In fact she was grinning, she must be proud for being approved, even if it was in a crude way.

"What about my handshake?" Jisoo asked in anticipation.

"It was firm." Jiyong nodded his head in approval.

"Likewise sir." Jisoo smiled, then turned to Jennie's mother. "The stew tastes great mam."

"Thank you. I ordered our kitchen staff to cook it flawlessly." Chaerin retorted.

Jennie watched them have a civil conversation. She thinks she feels more nervous than Jisoo does. The raven acted natural and without hesitation. The same way she acts with Jennie. They already approved of her, Jennie shook her head and told herself not to be nervous. Nothing Jisoo could do in this short dinner, would change their mind, right? No. Jisoo is well-mannered when she wants to be.

Even so Jennie still needs to get used to her parents starting a conversation with her and showing interest to what she was saying. When they entered their home, her mother even gave her a hug. Not just a loose one-arm hug but a proper one with a squeeze and all.

"So after graduation Ruby Jane is going to work in our firm, would you like a job too Jisoo?" Jiyong asked like he was offering her a candy rather than a career on a silver platter.

Jisoo blinked, not having expected such an offer. She hasn't thought about what she wanted to do after graduating yet.

"Father, that's not something you ask the first time you properly meet someone." Jennie frowned, then turned to Jisoo. "Don't feel like you have to say yes. Do what you desire to do."

"I was trying to do you a favour." Jiyong responded to Jennie. "You said you were worried she would go a different path after you are done with your school education."

"Father!" Jennie squeaked in embarrassment.

Jisoo reassured Jennie with a small smile and giggle. "Actually I'd love to work in the same place as Jennie. Does that mean you'd be my boss? I think that's kinda hot--"

Jennie silenced Jisoo with a slap on her thigh. "Don't make such a decision based on where I am... It's your life, you know."

"Let me try. If it's not for me, I promise to leave." Jisoo proposed.

And so Jennie found herself giving in. Her parents and Jisoo already made all sort of plans. They plan to expand their firm overseas and they were worried about sending Jennie alone to their new location cause they would have to stay in the headquarter. With Jisoo by her side they were greatly relieved.


While Jennie's parents gave Jisoo that offer she just imagined how great it would be to share a flat with Jennie. They could study together, take turns cooking and walk out Kuma while holding hands. That alone was enough for her to give it a shot. 

After that dinner Lisa called them back to the boarding school and handed the finished drawing of the man they were searching for.

When they asked the owner of the diner he immediately recognised the guy and told them he doesn't know much about him and is not allowed to give them his address. So while Jisoo distracted him, Jennie sneaked in and searched through his files. She found his curriculum vitae and copied it.

"Kyungsoo." Jisoo read his name. "27 years old. Was in the military before he worked at the diner. He lived nearby."

A smile stretched itself on Jennie's face. They both had the same idea in mind. They walked up to his cheap apartment and knocked on his door.

"Hi! How can I help--" He stopped mid-sentence and stared wide eyed at them. Then he slammed the door shut.

"Rude! That's not how you treat guests!" Jisoo banged against the wooden door repeatedly. "Hey!"

After a while Jennie pointed downstairs. "Look! He is escaping!"

Jisoo slid down the metal railing of the stairs and catched up to the man who was solely wearing boxers and a colourful bathrobe. His hair was wet, they must have interrupted him from showering.

"Got you!" Jisoo grabbed his shoulders tightly. Jennie made her way to them in a slower pace than they had.

"Now..." Jennie panted. "You talk to us."

He groaned loudly as Jisoo let go of him. "C-Can't you just do as I told you?"

"No." Jennie shook her head, surprising Jisoo because they agreed to do it.

"A-A-And why not?" They realised his stuttering wasn't because he is nervous but because he chose to run out with a bathrobe only when it was freezing out here.

The cold played in their favour. Unless he wants to turn to an ice cube, he will have to make it quick with them.

"Because," Jennie glared at him. "You were going to trick us."

Both him and Jisoo raised their eyebrows.

"If we switch one last time, those people won't be angry at you anymore cause you fixed giving outsiders this power, and then you will leave forever." Jennie glared.

"Didn't you want me to leave?" He stared sharply, taking a deep breath and crossing his arms to create more warmth.

"Don't think I'm stupid. If we switch, we will be stuck in each other's bodies." She crossed her arms.

Jisoo hasn't thought about that but Jennie was right. He wouldn't help them because his problems would vanish.

His face fell, seemingly he thought she forgot about that small detail. "S-S-So you are just keeping that switch f-forever? Those annoying guards will convict me and chase you."

"That's why you are going to charge us with one more switch each." Jennie explained. "You can do that, or can't you?"

"..." He sighed, leaning against a grey brick wall.

"Why did you give us them in the first place?" Jennie inquired.

"It was an accident. I thinned the pill in the drink but I switched them up. So you got my last dose." He admitted.

"And you can't get more? What did you need them for?"

"Enough questions asked. I'll just say those pills are damn expensive and I'm here as a tourist, that's it."

"I'm rich." Jennie added. "If that helps."

"I can't buy it with the money you use here. Which is why I worked in the diner. In this place my money isn't accepted either."

The only solution they had left was to keep a low profile until he bought another dose. They wanted to go with him to where he comes from to help gather the money but he declined strongly, saying he'd be in even bigger trouble if he brought them there.

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