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"Jennie please give me another chance! You can't mean what you wrote in that message!"

It was just Jisoo's luck that the minute she decided to leave Jennie's room and search for the younger that this weirdo catched her at the door and made a ruckus.

"Fuck off." She bumped roughly with her shoulder against his body and moved past him, scoffing.

"W-Wait...!" He pleaded. "This is not over yet Jennie... I will prove it to you, I'm worth it!"

"Just shut up!" Jisoo growled, running her hand through her hair as she closed the door of the hall against him. Some girls left their rooms and watched the scene from their doors.

She wanted to kick his shin and punch his jaw, spit insults at him and make him leave. But she couldn't. She had to think about how that would affect Jennie. She couldn't let her actions bring negative consequences to her again. Just imagine Jennie having to go to detention because of Jisoo, has she ever been to detention? Would she freak out?

"Jennie please--"

"I said fuck off!" This time she turned around and saw him coming after her through the glass door. She didn't think twice about pushing him. Not with too much force, only enough for him to stumble backwards. "I don't want to see you right now!"

He steadied himself and watched her sharply. He seemed very embarrassed, his cheeks were red and he glared at her. Clearly he didn't expect such a reaction, must have hurt his pride. Too bad, Jisoo smiled and left him surrounded by the scrutinizing gazes of everyone.


Jennie sighed as she understood where she is at and why she is here.

She is Jisoo again, but why? Is there even a reason? Do this switches happen irrational or is there a pattern? What was the trigger?

Jennie sighed as she freshened herself up and put on her school uniform, making sure to button all buttons all the way to her neck and straightening her white shirt which she tucked neatly into her skirt.

"You look pretty serious. Wearing your uniform correctly and brushing your hair? Are you really Kim Jisoo?"

Her roommate Mina watched her from the other side of the bathroom, Jennie could see her in the reflection of the mirror.

Her words made Jennie drop the hairbrush and gape like a fish, mouth opening and closing as she searched for words to say.

"What's with the shocked face?" Mina laughed. "Don't tell me you really aren't Jisoo." She stared.

"N-No! I'm Jisoo! Kim Jisoo!" Jennie stuttered, turning around.

"Duh." Mina nodded, walking next to her to put chapstick on her lips. "Do you need something?" Mina side glanced when she felt that Jennie's eyes were never leaving her.

"N-No!" Jennie shook her head rashly and left the room. It doesn't appear as though Jisoo is friends with her roommate. That girl intimidated her a lot.


Jisoo wanted to run to her own room but she thought Jennie might have the same idea and go to her so she decided to meetup in the garden.

"There you are!" Jisoo smiled as she waved Jennie (in her own body) over.

"Jisoo...." Jennie pouted. "You didn't brush my hair? And where is my blazer? At least tie my shoes." She scolded and bent down to do the job for the elder.

"Well sorry I was too shocked to think straight and care about formalities." Jisoo then tapped Jennie's shoulder and told her she would tie the shoes herself.

"I was shocked too." Jennie stood up. "I still am. It was foolish to think it was a one time thing."

"What do we do?" Jisoo sighed, sitting down on the mossy bench and patting the spot beside her.

"We find out." Jennie went to Jisoo and sat down. Her face was deep in thought.

"Did you think of something already?"

"The trigger. It has to be our encounter in that dinner. Maybe it is a soulmate thing or something like that."

"Huh? Do you believe in soulmates?"

Jisoo doesn't know if she should be more perplexed about Jennie believing in those or about the suggestion that they are soulmates.

"Of course!" Jennie puffed up her cheeks. "Everyone has a soulmate. It's just unlikely, if not close to impossible to meet yours."

"So what makes you think we are?"

It's not like Jisoo hated the idea so much but she just doesn't think it's true.

"The fact that right now, I am looking at you, while really I'm looking at myself." Jennie countered.

The younger grew more comfortable around Jisoo quickly. At least Jisoo thinks so because Jennie speaks her mind more and more without being too shy about it.

"Let's say we are, so how do we stop this?"

"I don't know." Jennie answered honestly. "But I think we should repeat our day and do everything until the moment we switched. Maybe then we can find out how we did it. I mean we didn't switch two days ago, why yesterday?"

"All right." Jisoo liked the idea. It sounded plausible. Silence settled in and the younger appeared to be drifting away. "Jen? What are you thinking about now?"

"Uh...." Jennie blinked a few times. Jisoo must have interrupted some inner monologue of hers. "Just that we should start right now with repeating the day."

"Got it." Jisoo saluted and jumped on her feet before holding a hand out for Jennie.


Sharing her thoughts with Jisoo was surprisingly easy. Jennie believes it's because she is in Jisoo's body and that takes away a part of her shyness. A bit timidness is left in her soul but none of that remains in the body.

She wasn't aware she can be a different person, be like Jisoo. She hasn't spoken so confidently in a while and it made her feel good. Of course she won't get used to be someone else. She will try to be this confident without having to rely on another person.

For now she will enjoy that she doesn't sweat, her cheeks don't turn red and she doesn't hesitate. At least not around certain people. She knows there are also people that affect Jisoo.

For instance she was nervous around Mina and around Jisoo's homeroom teacher. Well and around Jisoo aka herself when Jisoo does flirty remarks.

But that's weird cause does that mean Jisoo is narcissistic, Jennie is narcissistic, Jisoo likes Jennie or Jennie likes Jisoo? Or is it a negative emotion? Dislike not like?

Jennie is breaking her brain with all the possibilities. It's so confusing.

"Jen?" Jisoo called her out of her loud thoughts. "What are you thinking about now?"

"Uh...." Jennie snapped out of it. "Just that we should start right now with repeating the day."

"Got it."

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