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Gautham sat in my office laughing.
"She ran away, fooling the receptionist? ", he laughed.
" And you know what's more funny vikki, you saying this in a serious tone", he said

I glared at him.
"Shut up Gautham", I said

" I can't believe you are torturing that poor girl yaar, she seemed so sweet", he said

" You don't know her Gautham, and why are you taking her side and making me the villian here. I had explained everything to you",
I said irritated that Gautham was laughing at me.

" Yah I understood what you said, but", he shrugged . "I don't know, I find it really hard to believe" , he said smiling.

" Gautham, enough of talking about her, tell me what brings you here ", I asked him.

" You forgot? My bro, my new company? , we have an opening ceremony next week, I came to invite you and to ask you for a few advices in business", he said.

"Ohh yah sorry, skipped my mind, I'll be there for sure" I smiled

My week went fine. I was expecting Vikram to call me out for my xerox fiend, but guess he was too busy that week.

Statue lady did give me a few glares though whenever I passed by her.

I had to meet Vikram a couple of times, for getting signs in files and had to face his sarcastic remarks but I thought I would get used to it.

During the weekend, I went out with Harini to get supplies. It was fun roaming around Bangalore, even if it were only for supplies. Harini was working in another company near our flat.

Vikram's company was however a 10 minute drive from there. I couldn't get a closer place. So I had to travel by ola or auto to get there.
At Sunday night, I wasn't feeling well, I got fever. I decided I'll take the day off. I remembered that I had to take the permission of Vikram for a holiday, so sent him a message.

"Call me', was the reply I got.

I called Vikram and told him I won't be coming to office as I wasn't well

"What do you think Sree, there is lots of work to do, I don't accept any excuse, if you are not feeling well take a tablet and work, but in any case you must be there", Vikram said and cut the phone.

I cursed him and my fate. He won't leave any opportunity to torture me. I fumed.

I however took a tablet, and went to work. The work was too much, there was lots of work and I knew Vikram had wantedly given extra work to me.

I couldn't eat lunch properly. My head started aching and I knew I was burning with fever. I took the tablet and continued. It was 10 pm, when I finished the work. I could have left early, but it was Vikrams' instructions that I submit my work to Ramesh before I leave. I was too tired to fight with him as my head was aching already.

I had to book an ola. I did that and prepared to leave. There were very little people around.
I was feeling really unwell, I needed to go home fast. I went down and it was raining. But I had to catch my ola. Unfortunately it got cancelled and another wasn't getting booked. I got frustrated.

I saw an auto across the street, but that meant I had to go into the rain. I tried getting the attention of the auto driver, but he didn't see me. I stood there, I had to go home fast. So I went forward to cross the road.

The rain was too cold across my already burning body. It was too cold, I couldn't bear it. It was so heavy that it fell on me and drenched me thoroughly making my clothes heavy. My head was already aching. This made it ache more.

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