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She would never forgive me. Seeing her leave, like that..

I thought we had become somewhat like friends, even if we hated each other and I had the hope, that she would forgive me.

She shattered my hope and I deserved it.

I drove my car, till I went far off to a lonely place.

"What should I do, what do I do? " I thought

I'll never be in peace.

The next day in office I was sitting in my cabin when Sree came in

"Had she come to forgive me" , I wondered

"I mailed My resignation letter", she said

" No.. I knew this was the right thing for her to do, but I didn't like it, didn't feel right hearing it"

"You.. Have to serve, 3 months notice, and I spoke to Hari regarding the black mark.. I'll be giving a recommendation letter too, Whether you want or not" , I said.

She nodded and turned back.

"Sree would you.. Ever forgive me", I asked.

" Why, why is it important for you that I forgive you, why do you care", she asked.

"Because... " I froze ..stuck.. What why was it important, .. I was blank..

"Because I feel guilty", I managed, but that wasn't the real reason. I did feel guilty though

" Then stay guilty, I don't care, whether I decide to forgive you or not, only time can tell", she said

"Sree.. You have known me,.. For a long time.. In office, we had least like friends... I'm not a bad person..  "

She looked at me silently for a moment.
"I'll think about it", she said and left.

I typed out a sorry mail and sent to her. She didn't reply.

I went out to talk to Ramesh. I saw her at her place and looked at her. She noticed me and turned her face away.

I then called her to the meeting room. I had asked Malini to apologize for her wrong doing. I called karan but he didn't pick up the call. I would have to handle him in person..

Sree came inside the room..

"I don't have much time sir", she said.

" Just few mins Sree "

I dialled Malini's number and put on speaker.

"Hi malini, this is Vikram, as I informed you, I would like you to speak to Sree here", I said.

" I do not want to speak with her sir", Sree told and turned to move out.

I held her hand and she turned.
"Few mins ", I said.

" Sree.. I'm sorry, for what I did.. I was jealous of you.. I Apologize ", Malini said.

Sree looked at the phone with anger and cut it.

" She isn't even sorry, , you don't have to trouble yourself with making people apologize sir", she said and left the room.


Vikram looked disappointed. When he asked me to forgive him and told me he wasn't a bad person, I paused.
Maybe he wasn't a bad person, but why would I care.

He even made Malini apologize to me and he kept looking at me whenever he came out of his cabin.

He even sent me a sorry mail, which stated all the reasons he was sorry for. Reading that brought tears to my eyes.
Can I forgive him after all that he spoke, did...

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