the coffee shop

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I went home and cursed Vikram.  Who could have locked him.. I then recollected the black car, was it really following us or was it coincidental.
Why would anyone follow us? Was it the girl's relative?
I pondered if I should inform Vikram. But I didn't want to.. Didn't want to even speak to him.


The weirdest dream woke me up. I had fallen on Sree, though that had happened yesterday, I was conscious in the dream.

I looked into her eye, "people say eyes are the window to the soul, what do you see Vikram sir", she asked me.

I looked into it, and I couldn't move, I tried to but I couldn't.. Her dove shape eyes.. Hypnotized me.

" Let me go! ", I said.

She took her hand to my forehead and moved a strand of hair to the side and looked at my eye.

" I'm not stopping you, Vikram sir', she said and smiled

The perfect dimple adorned her cheek.

She moved her head up to my ears. Her soft cheeks grazed my stubble.

" Don't you want to know the truth?..
I can tell you.. You.. "
she whispered, and it sent chills through my body and I woke up from my dream.

Why, why was she coming in my dream. It was inappropriate. Noh..
I drank water. What does that mean.

Noh probably it has no meaning, I'm just tired owing to what had happened.

It was messing with my brain.
I open Sree's whatapp chat, should I message her something.. Noh what and why should I.. I should get some sleep

I switch off the light and tried to sleep again. Her eyes haunted me.


Monday, me and Deepa helped Sanjay to find a gift for his girlfriend on Amazon. Then he got a call from her and decided to leave again.

"She has come near the office to meet me, I'll go and come back. ", he said.

I got a watsapp message from Vikram.

Vikram- Hi Vikram here, Anya is doing fine, I have to go to court tomorrow

Ohh so he is now talking to me normally as if he didn't accuse me?

Sree- Great, Should I also come

Vikram- No need, ill take care

Sree- Alright, keep me updated.

I sent him the photos we had taken with Anya on Saturday.

Vikram : Delete these

Sree: No way rare photos of the CEO of
         How can I..
Vikram- I'm serious Sree delete those.
Sree: It's my phone and my photo.
Vikram- But I'm there in the photo
Sree- Very shy huh, who asked you to come in the photo
Vikram- Its a waste speaking to you
Sree- Same to you

Vikram went offline

When going for the tea break, Sanjay called and invited us to the nearby coffee shop for us to meet his girlfriend.

I was hesitant but he insisted.
We met her. She was very nice, friendly and talked well with us. She even gave us requests in insta. After she left Sanjay looked at us.
"How is she" , he asked.
"She is really good, great Sanjay", I told him. He beamed. " See, my choice", he grinned. Deepa rolled her eye.

Then we noticed Vikram entering the coffee shop with some client.

" Omg don't look there", Deepa said. Both of us looked. "I told you guys not to look ", she said.

" If sir saw us here he might be angry, the office has a coffee machine and we have an important project going on, we should leave without him seeing us", Sanjay said. I took my cold chocolate in my hand to leave.

Sanjay said he'll go first to pay the bill and exit and we should follow in some time. After few minutes we get up. Some cold chocolate had dripped in my hand. I still hadn't finished drinking it though.

"I'll wash my hand and come, you go ahead ", I told Deepa . I went to wash my hand.

Then I opened the door from inside the hand wash room,  holding the cold chocolate in my other hand.

As soon as I pulled the door handle, it got pulled from outside. So the force pushed me forward and my chocolate milk, got spilt...on the person who had opened the door.

It was a white shirt, I looked up and froze. Staring angrily at me was Vikram. 

I looked at his shirt, it was dripping with chocolate milk. I opened my mouth to say something.
"What the hell! ,what is wrong with you, where ever you are some thing is bound to happen, and what are you doing here" he asked taking a step forward. There was very little gap between us. I held my breath. I then took a step back.


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"I'm.. I'm sorry, you opened the door, so I.. ", I said. 

" Ohh so you are now blaming me for this ", he said,
" Yah perhaps just like you love blaming me,  I'll get tissues", I said and got some tissues and handed it to him.

"I can get it myself, you spoiled my shirt  just get out of here ,get out", he shouted.

I exited the place,
" Arrogant CEO, he deserved this, it should have been something hot, missed it", I said to myself and left.

The whole evening I told Deepa what had happened . She laughed, "so many accidents", she said. I told her how rude he was.
" Sree, you complaint about him so much, even if you hate him, he is continuously in your mind. What if it happens that by doing so you end up falling in love with him, you never know", she said.
"No, don't ever say something so atrocious,  I can never fall in love with him, I don't even like him,  loving that arrogant CEO is impossible, I'm not mad", I said.

I recollected the moment in the coffee shop. I hadn't realized that I had held my breath when he had come close to me. Then I recollected Saturday when he fell on me. The walk under the umbrella, under the truck, on the street in the rain..

His eyes were very angry, but when he looked at me, it seemed he could look through me. But what was the use, he could only see me as an evil person.

"No what am I thinking, I should stop thinking about him"

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