chapter : 1

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Third person's POV•

She was half awake yet half asleep at the same time,she enjoyed the silence her ears grew accustomed to minutes after closing back those eyelids shut. The serenity of feeling warmth radiate at her side,Solana greedily inhaled more of the nerve calming scent,lavender with maybe a hint of soft musk. Had her sinking further into the arms that enveloped her.

Soft assertive lips trailed feathery kisses onto her shoulder,to her back and neck nape,the softness itself made Solana wonder who's those objectively descending downwards —everywhere—hands belonged to. Were they her lover? A husband god forbid! No those hands were softer,gentler than a males touch. When she hummed and went to look back at the owner,everything vanished...

She sprung up,wiping the drool off her cheek,in spite of feeling a little dizzy for the sudden action,she stood as still as a nail. Like a soldier on who was caught snoozing on a look out duty. First she looked around confused. Seeing her usual room was a tad bit baffling in those fee seconds. Was all that a dream!! If it wasn't made clear to her from the start,the annoyed looking woman standing parallel to her,who Solana had resembled more than an exterior look of,scrutinized her with that pinning glare.

"For once Solana;don't make me come up to your room,your an adult now,you should have more sense of responsibility when you have school,and a lot more things coming your way" Her mother recited like a news anchor professional scolding humans every blessed morning,telling her over and again how tardiness will easily affect her future as a successful woman. The should and shouldn't do's and the list goes on. Yet Solana did what she knew best nodding while silently praying the time would pass in a blink.

She had no time for a broken record this morning,not a single place for more scolding sessions from this woman. Solana loves her mother dearly,she aims to be more lenient,on obliging to her wishes,just so she could avoid any loud scuffles with her bossy mother.

Solana got on with getting ready when Alissa simply pinched the ridge of her nose,sighed exasperatedly before walking out of the room her head shaking in utter disapproval. It could've been worse,yet dodging expected fire is the best choice all the time.

Not more than fifteen minutes and she hastily dashed down the stairs,going for the fast escape yet a toneless 'wait' had her freezing in place. "I've transferred five hundred into your account,an apple and a shake for breakfast..."Alissa trailed off,observing the tense looking stand Solana was in,it only ached her heart when she realized,the girl refused to meet her gaze. Lifting up Solana's face by the chin,she forced her to looked directly in her eyes.

"Please,do understand because your my only child,i have to make sure your well established,and determined enough to pursue a career and change the world we live in. Im sorry its weighing on you heavily"she kissed Solana's temple and ushered her out the door not waiting for a reply.

Solana took a deep breath,exhaled it,then got in behind the wheel. She took every word to heart,not letting it slip past her ear,she appreciated those rare assuring moments. Where the stoic and seemingly pissed off round the clock-Alissa,let her walls waver in a slight attempt to remind her daughter,That she is still the loving,emotionally available—even in the slightest— and devoted mother she knew,is hidden somewhere for the time being. Solana loved to be assured by the woman,even if it was momentary and slightly cringy,she didn't care,in fact she was thankful it all is happening.

Parking in the nearest spot she quickly shoulder her book bag and gunned it for her first class. It was her last and final semester in High school. Although she's older than most of the seniors —perks of being borne in the early month's— she was ready to pursue something grand,something rather more fulfilling and more importantly,something she will enjoy doing for the coming decades of her life.

Panting she slightly bent down after knocking the door,class had barely half an hour in session,so she hoped she wont have to make a visit to the principals office. Solana groaned just thinking of the woman's failing attempt in acting indifferent. Alissa was obviously a professional when it came down to it,no sweat no effort,she'd kill any chance of catching her brow twitch in the slightest,make it a horrible encounter for who ever the receiving part was. Yet this expressive woman in the office few yards or so to her south was failing the act.

"Your late,again,Ms Grace. Don't make it a habit"Her physics teacher said,bringing her out of that short revere.

Pressing her lips together"Fingers crossed it wont grow to become one,Mrs Parson"replied the girl while walking past her. She easily found her chair and brought out a notebook. Mrs Parson took a few seconds to calm her nerves,since the blonde who had a baby bump forming,loathed interruption, though Solana had it easy because she had good scores,if anything she'd be sent to the principals office,no questions asked.

The subject resumed,and everyone redirected their focus to what they came today for. Yet a single brainless asshole needed to disturb the peace,whispering insults down the row,a few snickered and few were annoyed to be disturbed,little to none had even cared to apologize on his behalf,after all,it was her first and last year with this crowd.

Solana had mastered the art of Ignoring. Not for she is no match to anyone who wanted to tussle fists,for she merely wanted a smooth,trouble free sailing,through the semester and to graduation day. She vowed to never let her mother show up in school,because someone had temper control issues,or because someone bullied her,or for any unspoken of reason again. The last time was the charm,and there shall not be any recreations.

Without even noticing the time flashing by,she was coming out of her last class for the day. Whoever decided that PE is a taught class,should be crucified right this instant. Physical flexibility had never been an issue for Solana,she run's track for the love of god,and her couch is by far convinced she could do that professionally,yet she can't convince Solana to pursue an athletic career.

"Wow you smell heavenly even after sweating for 45 minutes straight!!"

"Oh shut up,i smell like shit"Solana says wiping the coat of perspiration that had formed on her forehead,and arms. Elena Winston the only person she could a friend.

Solana smiled waving her off"Happy birthday by the way"

"Thanks,the part begins at 7,so we could sleep early for tomorrow"she pointed out at Solana who merely nodded.

"Wait in the car,i'll be just a few in here,then we can go get you the surprise"she kissed her friends cheek,took a towel and handed her the keys.

Tonight should be eventfully fun,at the end Solana had managed a decent gift.lets hope it turns out well.


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