Chapter : 6

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Third Person's POV•

Amelia had a feeling,that Today's morning wasn't like any other morning,her body felt a change in the atmosphere? Or was it the sound of rain drops knocking at her two story residence window. Awakening her once and for all. Was it trying to fill a void she didn't feel like filling? Or was it destiny taking things into its own hand.

Her fingers traveled down south,cupping herself,in hope to reminis the motions that used to blow her mind,send her into an abyss of endless pleasure. Desperation,Guilt and longing,feelings she was well able to silence. Yet today they all rained heavily on her like a storm taking baby steps in passing.

Amelia's desire to fix people had quelled yet still she gathered herself together,and left her comfy warm filled bed.

A deep breath exhaled with all of the unnecessary thoughts,she got in the shower,starting the best acting Scene she could pull on being alright and unbothered. Minutes later she was dressed and shrugging on her wool coat.Shouldering a black tote bag she left the house. Heading to work with too much negativity wont do her good,but caring has been thrown out the window a good while ago.

In her scrubs she stood before the cashier waiting on her, Double shots Espresso no caramel no sugar...she could use the caffeine kick.

Thankfully and for the sake of the patients. She was free today,merely rounds and slumping around,unless a case was admitted all will be good. Early mornings are supposed to be laid back and relaxed,Amelia loved that,yet today she detested having nothing occupying her brain other than her loveless life. Not to discredit her as a surgeon who excelled in basically everything she touched,her emotional skills were drained on wrong people. Intimacy,pure and without hidden agenda,just two people connecting appeared to be a wild dream,Amelia could not possess.

"What are you moping around for this early!?" Celia says after bumping her shoulder

"Morning to you too"Amelia rolls her eyes playfully

"So how are we doing today "she asks but holds a hand out for her to pause "You look like shit for one,and Is the cycle replaying itself?" She rephrases her question

Bored of the brutal truth,that this woman knows her too well"you know the answer to your question why bother ask?"

"Its in my gene to ask about What I know,spit it out so we could joggle through it"she grins like nothing is unsalvageable in life,no obstacle no closed door could hinder her will to keep going.

"Yuck im starting to hate that about you"Amelia said yet grinned hugging her and Celia squeezed the life out of her."You can't help me get rid of what im feeling right now,It will pass"

Celia hummed hugging her some more "whatever makes you sleep at night,just know im here for the cuddles and all the love to shower you with"

Nodding in acknowledgement"I know, what do you have today? Im too unoccupied it's leisurely killing me"Amelia states like a poet reading a patient report,so not coordinated.

Celia looks at the brunette for several seconds,giving her the best puppy eyes then says"I envy you." Her chin quivered"for a free schedule"Celia freezes up abruptly"Wow im going down the hill"

"Lord knows why..."Amelia chuckles but falls into seriousness faster"I only have rounds today and I might linger in trauma" She sighs struggling to unwrap her snicker bar. Celia snatches,unwrap it and take a huge bite off it,before handing it back to a frowning Amelia.

"What a sad big girl , yo-"She spoke with a full mouth but thankfully her buzzer cut off the unpleasant chaos from taking place. And a call to Celia's cell comes through right after. She chews fast and picks up.

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