Chapter : 4

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Third Person's POV•

Just the same cold morning but with different directions,Solana woke up at 7 sharp in the morning,encouraged herself —more like tricked herself—to go for a tiny jog that landed her a half mile run,the odds right? She came back home full of foreign energy and strangely enough a high spirit,that rather quickly nagged on her,convincing her brain that today should start and end great. Once clothed in a simple outfit of a white Tee and black loose jeans with the air force one's sneakers, she went to school. Per usual though The day dragged along with her walking down every hallway to every class having people whisper gossip or talk in loud hush hush whenever she was in sight. How ironically fast does news travel? Lightning bolt fast clearly. Solana wasn't surprised though,despite the cornered talk,the day hosted a bit of serenity that she basked in regardless.

When the dismissal bell rang,she was the first to leave the schools premisses. Heading straight to the hospital. Ending up in the cafeteria. Somehow anyone that passed by threw a curious glance her way. It Totally wasn't the plan on the list,but what do you expect from people when they stumble upon someone,with a sketchpad and charcoal pencils,having said someone's eyes entirely focused on their work,and their head moving to and fro catching a certain individuals features.

A stroke after the other she nearly got Amelia's features tight in place. In all lies but honesty she wasn't planning to draw a portrait of the woman voluntarily. She just found herself a source of inspiration and used it in her favor.

Minus all the endless search on pinterest and other reference platforms.

To say art is her hobby would be a lie as well. That she had the talent and interest to copy peoples faces into beautiful portraits? Also a lie. Solana treated art as free therapy,a penniless loss. Yet it came with valuable advantages. She's sad? She draws the sadness away. Anxious? Draw that away. Indecisiveness and overthinking? Those mother fucker's were dealt with the same way. Extensively.

Stopping her brain from thinking over endless loops of a topic,throwing away any responsibility toward life,was peaceful for once,there for she now possessed a collection of sketchbooks in different sizes keeping her thoughts a secret from the world. And keeping them as a memory lane adventure from time to another.

Although waiting wasn't the most fun of games to ordinary people —majority of the people— For Solana on the other hand,waiting is the infinite source that gives space and many opportunities allowing her the privilege of planning future steps Leisurely. Study every movement satisfying or unsatisfying. Thats was more the reason why Solana's mother doesn't rest easy without mentioning the importance of time,and how making the most out of it will work in her favor.

speaking of the devil -I mean Alissa. Who sauntered into the room bringing in a cloud of harmless tension. Yet it weighted heavily on Solana's chest. For starters;the two don't really have the best communication nor relationship. For two;since her sorry excuse of a father filed for divorce after cheating on his devoted wife for more than a decade long,the two's relationship fell more to the bottom. As for number three;neither party felt comfortable to reconcile or even attempt to heal the wounds of the past that nine years later and it still is as effective.

But you know,Its a black-family's household. There was no disrespect towards Alissa only obedience and respect,they had a misunderstanding each retired to their space and talked after cooling down,no matter how long one of them would take,the other would be patient.

"Hi sweetie how are you feeling today" asks Alissa embracing Solana sideways—Yes the affection was there but only when needed—

"Im alright just waiting for her to wake up,so we could leave this place already. Its a bit suffocating"Elena had the good drugs in her veins dancing freely,the loaded meds would easily let her sleep 24/7,though the nurses would give her a good amount and wake her when its time to eat. It was insane to Solana at first,since most times she stays the girl is sound asleep and not even budging.

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