Chapter - 8

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Third Person's POV•

Shrugging on her wool coat,Solana breathed out and in,grabbing her keys and belongings,she left the house,her main destination Elena's house. As her six years and counting best friend,Solana was more than happy to give her a ride when she asked. Not like Brandon or whatever his name is would do so.

Her mother had been brief in their calls,checking up on her,telling her about the crazy things Miranda had her doing. She even once called while they were busy in a hot tub,her mother tried by all means to be discreet,yet failed at it. - Miranda is that good - Solana on the other hand,hung up and had her fingers crossed that image would wipe off her memory.

This time around they grabbed smoothies,not only to show off on the doctors that she's taking care of her health,blah blah blah. No a little detox from time to another is always beneficial. True that Elena was up for none of it,but a little persuasion did the trick,she isn't a reckless girl,though we can't vouch for that boyfriend choice. *eye roll*

"Hey are you good?" Elena asks killing their long stretched silence.

"Im alright,why are you asking?"she wonders,since it came rather surprising. Solana mostly did the checking up.

"Not really sure...but. The atmosphere between us feels tense somehow,so what is it?" She hand gestures out her question.

Solana shrugged. Regardless of caring-no loving the hell out of her best friend,knowing she can't have her was okay,two days munching on sour ships did it. Yet the fact Elena didn't see what truly is good for her? Had irked Solana. If this girl was given a choice of good and bad she'd magnetite toward the bad effortlessly.

"You have nothing to worry about on my side,though whatever his name could be,isn't it"Solana says meaning nothing but well,and it really is best friend duty to assess the situation-ship.

Elena sighs exasperatedly,checking her smartwatch"We both don't know that Lana!!"She puffs out her cheeks"Though can you believe he's traveling next Sunday,for one of his relatives birthday party or whatever? And I am stuck with a check up appointment and a mountain of research for an essay"!" She whines throwing her head back.

"I don't need to know anything,he is a bad upgrade,I advise you lose" Solana says glancing at her friend.

"Thanks for the advice. Though I like him Lana end of discussion"She sips some more of her large strawberry blueberry smoothie.

If telling someone that an individual is bad for them; Is wrong. A lot of people would've probably stayed single;with no guidance,no reference to build from -Regardless of it being someone else's experience- no knowledge what so ever that could help who's desperate. People would've in all likelihood just got the needs fed and fled the beds.

Sunday rolled up!

The drive hosted small-mini-talk. None wanted to say the wrong thing,nor hurt somebodies feelings,which will surely happen.

"Excuse me, Hi ... I have a check up appointment,could you guide me?" Solana spoke to the nurse on the main lobby

"Hi,sure dear. You see the elevator,Leave it to your left and head straight,the first hall to your right is where you'll find the check up section"The redhead explains with a warm smile.

"Thank you"she tells the woman with a smile. They go by her directions and find a great amount of people filling the waiting seats."No seats I guess"

"Yeah no shit sherlock"Elena says leaning against a wall,arms folded.

Solana sighs leaning against it too"He done a number on you"She chuckles sarcastically,but in all shitty honesty,she was disappointed. A woman stood next to her,sipping some good smelling coffee,making her question why she didn't grab one on the way,Solana ignored her thinking its some stranger.

Some minutes of gazing at the broad window wall,showcasing their parking-lots,Amelia spoke"Hey,what's so eye catching there?"

To say Solana's head snapped,would be an understatement,a human being's spine can tolerate twisting,yet Amelia believed she snapped her neck.

"Damn,are you okay?!" She reached a hand checking her neck out of instinct.

Clearing her throat Solana pushed off the wall"Yeah yeah,Im fine it's fine. Really"Amelia though doubtful she nodded. And beckoned them to follow her.

"Holy shit Lana,you're drooling!!" Elena had said. But the girl just waved her off.

The enchanting scent of Amelia's perfume,followed her everywhere,creating a large blanket of aroma,blessing whoever walks behind her,A mix of musk and cinnamon,so light yet strong. Solana soaked in it,she was a sucker for unique scents.


She wipes the sonars gell off her ribs"great recovery,now let me see that shoulder"her unbuttoning her shirt exposing her cleavage flushed with one too many hickeys. -These teenagers ugh- Amelia thought checking her quadricep stitch.

"Any out of the ordinary,or sudden pain?"Amelia asks giving her a little alcohol wipe.

"No nothing I feel good as a brand new whip"Elena says once finished with the wiping,Amelia gave her a patch up band aid. For later.

Amelia now looked towards Solana,who's gaze was on her through out the whole checking. Amelia could feel her hazel eyes in a crowd. Which came as strange to the woman. She smiles lightly at the two "You're free to never come again,unless you feel of any serious life threatening pain"

Despite being ecstatic about the good news,she had felt sad somehow. Like it was the end of a wholesome journey. A book too enchanting. Solana smiled either way "Thank you. And congratulation you idiot"Solana regards the two. Elena does a little too girly dance,and Amelia gave her a half smile before leaving the room.

"You are seriously too obvious"Elena sang to her ear. Solana kept looking at the spot Amelia was in just a minute ago.

"Im not,get dressed im out in the hall"Solana waved her off and walked out,not letting any space for disagreement.

Elena came out later on and they started looking for the exit"Hold on I need to find the restroom"

"You having lunch here,not debatable. You know where to find me" with a smug face she left for the cafeteria,shameless.


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