Chapter : 5

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Third Person's POV•

"Amelia no please I miss you I know that I fucked up , we can make it work co-

How could a start of a day be any perfect right?"you know I'm not interested not after I fucking left my kids to be with you,and what did you do? Huh,you cheated on me twice for crying out loud,believe me im too busy for a relapse of this shit " Amelia cut the Chase short,whatever the fuck this woman wanted now,It was long and way gone from becoming hers again.

"Don't you dare call me again or come to my workplace,do that shit and you'll see what Im capable of. Acting like a victim does not suit you"she spat not leavening any space for bullshit,she ended the call frawning .

Amelia sighed walking inside the the changing room taking off her daily clothes and wearing fresh scrubs as everyone talked and gossiped around her

"I know she's sick something is wrong with her head, don't worry boo my fists are ready to work "Celia says after hearing what took place merely minutes prior,she threw punches to the air a further emphasis of how serious she is

Making Amelia giggle at her remarks "No we don't want you to take her to our ER chill,she better not try though I might take the lead on that one"

The woman was serious about taking things with her own hands. Since talking like a logical grown adult isn't doing much,acting like angry teens should do the trick right? Then again that piece of shit isn't m even worth the time or effort. Weither on knocking the wind out of her or thinking about her it will go out of control. Yes,Amelia was a fool to fall for her once,she can admit to her wrongs and move on. Yet one thing she cant move on from Is how badly hurt her own decisions made her.

"Celia what do you got on your schedule today let me in on anything I will be happy to help or even watch in the operation room" She said giving her the best puppy eyes known to humanity.

They're BFF's what did you expect?"I just got a beautiful collarbone to fix and a whole bunch of routine things,though your in on the collarbone one"Celia grinned widely at Amelia,taking her fingers through golden locks,the later blew a kiss for her in the air as she headed to the observation section to start her rounds with the interns sniffing behind her.

She reached the final room and scattered the internes on each room on the way,thankful that shes the only one here. Knocking on the door Amelia regards Solana and Elena with a soft smile.

"Morning everyone how are we doing " Ughh I still sound terrible-she thought glancing at the two.

Solana grinned"we're definitely doing better now"Elena said nodding in unison.

"Just now? I thought— am I interrupting something? "question marks clouded her brain effortlessly. While they both just watched her.Squinting Amelia checked the tablet "Anyway sorry if I did,last check up in our hospitality,since you only got practically 48 hours left in here your leg suiters are going to leave a mark same for the broken ribs I-"

"Great timing and scheduling as always my dear" a voice Amelia had missed said from her behind

Turning around on her toes to see her m step-mother who has managed to leave a beautiful impact on her growing up,though there were a couple features she couldn't clown to become like her own. One of them has to be Amelia's mood swings the following one is would be her sexual orientation.

"I didn't know you were in town Martha. I was expecting you in two days"Amelia pocketed her hands after the woman trapped her in a bear hug

Martha smiled nodding "yeah good morning to you to love. Your Father need's you in his office at 10 tomorrow please don't be so early like usual,you now how he hates that. I love you"then the woman walked away leaving the hospital.

Sighing Amelia faced the two" with that being said and through. I figure you'll be visiting us for check ups Take your pills and don't skip meals." She fakes a smile "any questions you have the nurses they will fill you in on everything be safe and I hope to not see you again" Amelia waved her hand in goodbye motion and exited the room immediately.

By the time she finished her rounds and checking on patients,Amelia needed coffee and some sort of food that will be definitely skipped. She called up the elevator,when it came she stepped In,when its doors were sliding shut a voice had her stop it "hold it please" Solana slipped in

"Thanks" she smiles at Amelia."Do you people get lost around here?" She asks.
Since she seriously did two laps on the same exact floor in search of it. Some clarification would be wonderful now.
True she wasn't expecting Amelia to be the one on it,though theres no escaping now.

"Your the only one" Amelia teased shrugging nonchalantly. Watching Solana's shocked expression off the disfigured reflection.

"'s your day so far doctor Aiden?".she questions changing the subject.

"It's fine thanks for asking "Amelia smiles politely"how's yours going? No school?"Just go with the flow Amelia-She tells herself

"Too dull and exhausting. I do though it's brake time I just stopped by"the girl explains and Amelia bopped her head

"Where to"she asks

"Why where else do you need me" a chuckle left her mouth. The nonchalance was quickly fading off Amelia's system

"Which floor not whatever your thinking." she smirks seeing the girl get flustered.

"Ouh sorry,ground floor for me" wtf is wrong with you solaná get it together.

The elevator stops and they exit in a weird but comfortable silence.
"Have a nice day "Amelia says going to turn though she stops"head straight from here then take your first right "She directs Solana to the exit and leaves her with the puzzle to go through.


Parking her car at the school's parking lot that was close to the field yet not so close. Then had to hastily jogg her way to class,yeah she was just a thought away of skipping yet the 5th period bell signals for its beginning. Note book out,eyes trained on the teacher,she tried her best to grasp those math problems. Same failing way to not think of Amelia or worse picture her giving the lecture.

Solana could've not survived it,though by some miracle she did. As soon as the bell rang,the girl was last in school yet first out of it. Her schedule was light as a feather,and she among few students left before most Seniors.

When home she was met with a pleasant surprise.Truly trying her best to stay silent and relaxed,so that nothing has the chance to escalate. Yet Alissa calls her in "shut the front door like I got time for this shit!"she murmured to herself as she walked through the living room heading to the kitchen to make the talk end faster Solana grabbed a drink

Yet when Alissa hesitated she went ahead and sat on the couch "what's up mom?" Solana wonders

"Well honey,I've been meaning to tell you all weekend,It would've been better to let you know...but Elena came up and work came up before that—"

She cut her off "About you and Miranda?" Her mother paused for two seconds but nodded either way"I know and I really don't mind"she noticed how thrilled and relieved Alissa looked,and it warmed her heart beyond imagination. "As long as she makes you happy,I'll be happy. But now I need a shower then im going out again"Solana cupped her
Mothers cheeks kissing her forehead before sprinting up the stairs ignoring the question of how did she know.

Smooth entry smooth exit yeah?



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