Chapter : 3

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Third Person's POV•

Amelia watched the on call's room watch tick away,impatient was an understatement in her case,She was up and ready for her patient to wake up. The Anesthesia guy was generous in making his patient's fall into a good sleep. None needs to have someone waking up amidst being sliced open,especially when the people are working on said patient's chest. Still it was so nerve wrecking to watch time flee the scene. Amelia was never a chilled out person who could handle long endless periods of waiting,for something unknown. Yet she took a leap this time.

Being late to pick up her kids before dinner and spend some quality time with them,is not what she planned for this evening. Pulling through a 60 hours shift is not easy,and it comes with the job description.

Amelia had half an hour more before having her freedom back,just to wake up the next day and do it all over again in a heart beat. In defeat Amelia took a deep breath and started to the cafeteria.  What she wouldn't give for a glass of wine filled to its brim.

None thought she would work in her family's business and be popular at the same time. With the fame of being once being married,then divorced,now with two adorable kids,she did all that and she's barely through the second decade of her life. Plus having the looks was merely a bonus in the gossip. Unfortunately people don't see the full picture or even bother to see it. They see what they want to see,nothing more or less...

She decided against going for the hospital's beverages and went to the small cafe just outside,the only add up to her routine that she isn't even worried about. In hopes to avoid consuming too much nicotine she consumes Caffeine instead.

By the third sip of bliss her pager buzzes making its loud beeps,she knew something would ruin the bliss high yet she didn't complain. Leaving everything Amelia rushed back to the hospital.

"whats the matter? Did she wake up?" She asks the first nurse in the main island about her patient

"Not yet,but a trauma case is on the way. Two teen's and one adult a DUI. They were on the highway there would probably be more cases coming"The nurse articulates while taking a phone call the other started ringing

Sighing"have you call Doctor Florence?"the nurse nodded

"She's on her way back"Amelia went to the resident's changing room splashing water on her face and slapping her cheeks to wake up. Got in a change of fresh scrubs then headed back to the ER just on time as the ambulances were bringing the teens in.

"Ellena 18 years old,two broken ribs, and a dismantled shoulder,laceration on the left side of the forehead,penetration wound in quadricep,she was in the passenger seat,says she doesn't feel her left leg"the paramedic ran a freezing cold pad down her leg and she had no reflex

"I see Chest hematoma possible lung damage,get me cardiac on this one. What is your name honey"she asks the girl

"Eehh el - Ellena Copper"

"Do you know where you are"Amelia questions examining her abdomen for any possible problems.

"Im in the hospital duh"

"Okay,you feel any pain here?"she pressed lightly next to her pelvis where a big bruise was forming. Elena shook her head negatively"Great now im gonna need you to stay still for me,its gonna hurt a little,but we need that shoulder back in it's original place alright"the girl nods pulling out a brave face although she was way too scared

"Okay on three one two"then she snapped it back in place,keeping the surprise factor in check.

"Aww Lady you said on three!!"she whine's in pain.

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