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Third Person's POV•

Elena's birthday party had forced Solana into coming to school late today,and above being late she was nursing a headache that refused to dissipate. But thankfully there was no track training today,its doubted that she payed any attention in class though what she picked up should do.

The moment the final bell rang she rushed to go home,usually Elena would tag along but apparently she wont today.  Either way Solana kissed her friend goodbye and left. Now walking through their front door in stealth mood,hoping not to catch her mother on the way up. Unfortunately the layout of their house had you going on a mandatory left through the living room,just to reach the stairs. The moment she rounded the corner her mother and Next door M's Foster jumped out of their seats as if they were doing something wrong. Solana regarded the two with a questioning look while the emerald eyed woman mustered out a smile,her mother made a cringy one.

"Good afternoon,um-what's going on with you two"she inquires moving her body towards the stairs.

"Nothing honey,how was school"Alissa asks in a suspicious way of changing the subject. Although skeptical Solana brushed the doubt away with a smile

"It was fine,now my head hurts. Anyway how are you Ms Foster" looking at the woman briefly she watched how her lips tugged even more.

"Im great darling"retorts the brunette chewing the insides of her cheek

Solana shook her head"glad to hear that,I will be in my room if you need anything,though please don't look for me until its time for dinner"she ignored her mothers piercing gaze and dashed up the stairs not waiting for any kind of reply.

She Locks her bedroom door,article of clothes were discarded one by the other as she took determined strides to the bathroom...45minutes passed by so fast as her body relished the warmth of the water,the serenity of the scented bath bomb had her brain hurting less than it did earlier. After she rinsed and stepped out of the shower a towel wrapped around her figure,the distinct ringtone she had for Elena bounced around the room.

"Hello birthday girl how can i be of help"the girl on the other end had a fit of laughter erupt in response"Elle stop laughing and use your vocabulary."

"Im sorry but,please refrain from answering my calls with such lines,and expect me not to laugh at them"Solana rolled her eyes though smiled nonetheless.

"Well,isn't it always a great opportunity to make you laugh"she retorts scanning her wardrobe for something to wear

"Yeah yeah I know,now drop the smartass act that we sure dont need for today"some rummaging was heard in the background,probably a makeup pallet meeting the rest of the crew in a corner dive.

"But why though?" You need to question everything she scolds herself missing the irony of the fact

"Because im taking you out of your kingdom to hang out with some friends,were going to that new bar and I won't take a no for an answer,I'll pick you up at 8:30 so be ready"hold on now,what!!! None said anything about a bar and expected Solana to be there! For one she doesn't drink,for two she loathes going to such places since she always ends up the first leaving and worrying for Elena's safety.

"But I didn't say that i wanted to go out today,neither did i say i was okay with it!!"her brows creased and that headache had a resurfacing reason once again.

"C'mon Lana,we'll have some fun. Enjoy a couple drinks"—Trouble always starts like this— the girl thought"Pretty Please we wont even drink that much...."Child long story short,Elena kept pleading and used her sweet charm's making Solana agree,when in reality the girl agreed just to make sure her friend was mingling with the right kids from school.

She didn't bother ask how they were going to get in,since Z had the two covered on some fake ID's that were legitimate enough,no bouncer would question them after seeing the ID's. Thats how legit they were " Okay okay call me when you get here,im just gonna take a nap before the chaos takes place"she said and Elena squealed making her deaf in the left ear

"Kay we got a good night coming,go charge up honey"after that too overjoyed reply the line went dead. Solana flopped as she gave up on wasting any energy to get dressed,a sports bra and woxers had to do.


Her phone ringing nonstop as she threw on a white shirt,her black jeans were already on and an impatient Elena was now ringing the door bell"Im coming just give me five ok"Elena nods and walks back to the car. Clipping on her chain,she checked the mirror and gathered her twists in a low bun,Vans tied securely and a black denim jacket on she took her keys and phone then headed down the stairs hastily.

"Mom im going out with Elena,I will be back before 11,Bye"she exits after hearing a stay safe honey from the woman. She got in the car and gave Elena's cheek a quick kiss as a hello and plugged her phone in to charge a bit more.

It is no news that all the people that are Friends with Elena,have a thing against Solana,the girl doesn't blame them,since hello,she's the daughter of a successful lawyer who is for one single,Coming from old money for two,and last but nit least Solana was openly gay and proud. Despite the hateful glares she deals with on a daily Solana was occupied in finishing High School and landing a scholarship in a decent college. So without second guessing it she mingled a little with the face masked haters then resigned to sit in a corner reading a book on her phone. If the crowd was too rowdy her eyes scan the room to check on Elena.

Time was being an ass by passing leisurely of all nights,Solana kept checking her watch and watching people have reckless fun. The girl was vigilant enough that her eyes were laser focused on Elena,not that she's a psychopath or obsessed,she doesn't like how men tend to always have fun in a sexual touchy way. It seems to their dead brains,as the only available way to have fun with females. Solana merely hoped to keep Elena's Innocence because the girl was too reckless while intoxicated.

"Hey are you okay is there something wrong"Elena asks from her left. —You lost her in the crowd jackass!!— the place wasn't this full two minutes ago!

"Uh no everything's fine,its just getting late and i have tons of homework awaiting"Ah beautiful excuses. It's not a cheap way to bail if the crowd isn't much of your taste...okay it is but this time it wasn't a lie.

"Okay babes i wont hold you hostage. Im just glad you came out tonight"she says pecking both Solana's cheeks.

Although disappointed Solana smiled on instinct"Are you going to be okay? You guys have a designated driver right? Do text me when your home alright?"she rained her with questions and Elena smiled genuinely at her friend.

With a hand over her shoulder"Solana,I will be fine,you text me when you get home okay,Jackie will be behind the wheel,and we wont stay for longer than 12." She assures her friend with a bright smile.

"Uh okay,I love you sugar,don't drink too much"Solana points a finger at her courtly.

"Okay mom,Love you too"Elena salutes the girl and after a good look around and making sure that Jackie was sober as they come,Solana left the bar.

It was already past 10,despite hoping her friend would call it a night as well she left knowing the ass of a boyfriend would persuade her into staying longer.  Solana hated leaving her in his care,because the asshole wasn't even worth the stay. She spent minutes on the bus taking her home. By the time she walked from the bus stop to her house the clock read 11 on the dot. As usual she found her mom cooped up in the study working on a case,she kissed her goodnight and dragged herself upstairs.


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