Chapter 2

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Without thinking I quickly replied "I do, I really do". Once again showing her way more interest than I had planned.

"In that case... we have a deal!" She walked over towards me, happily smiling as if we were going on an adventure. She grabbed my arm and her smile betrayed this is what she wanted all along and only confirmed my theory of her playing hard to get. Megan's mouth dropped wide open, as if Alicia had stabbed her in her back. I didn't mind. I enjoyed it actually. It brought me pleasure to know I had caused irritation on Megan.

"Excuse me, but..." began Megan her question, but she was interrupted by Anne.

"Sir, we really must go now!" and she disappeared behind the curtain. I followed her – with Alicia under my arm – while a security guard was gently pushing Megan towards to the other exit. As we walked through the curtain from which I entered the backstage from, Anne came back and told me that there was too much paparazzi at the artist exit and that Ben – my driver – would arrive at the staff entrance in 2 minutes. As we were walking over there I tried to make some smalltalk with Alicia. "So... what did you think of the show?"

- "It was... okay" she replied.

"Okay? What do you mean 'okay'?"

- "Well it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it didn't exactly blew me away either."

"Oh really?"

- "Yes, but the lights were awesome though. That shit was really impressive"

I wanted to continue asking her questions, but we had arrived at the staff entrance. I saw Ben parking right in front of the door. Although there was less paparazzi here, the paparazzi isn't stupid and always made sure to have every exit covered. I saw at least five guys with camera's and two on a motorcycle.

"Alright listen carefully Alicia. The moment we walk through the door, you walk straight into the car. Ben will open the door for you. Take place in the seat furthest away from the door so I can enter the car via the same door. Whatever you do, do not stop. Do not talk to them and never, ever grab my arm or hand. It would only lead to rumours about a relationship between us and we don't want that, do we?"

- "Oh hell no!"

"Auch! You don't need to be so enthusiasticly about it," I joked. "Alright, now go!"

She walked through the door. Immediately I saw blinding white flashes. Two security guards were holding the photographers at bay. I followed Alicia right behind her. I smiled in the camera so that I would take some of the attention away from Alicia. I was glad to see Alicia was following my instructions perfectly. Ben had opened the rear door and Alicia entered the car. I was still in a corridor of light and heard camera shutters all around me. Someone who was filming me kept asking questions.

"Who is she? Are you two in a relationship? Are you two secretly dating? Is she your mistress? Does your ex now? Is there something you want to say to her?"

His questions disturbed me. Just because I am seen with a girl doesn't automatically mean there is something more behind it. And even if I wanted something more, it is exactly this behaviour that prevents me from properly dating like everyone else. I just kept looking forward whilst keeping my smile. I saw that Alicia had to duck a little to get in the car, which gave me a perfect view of her rear. I couldn't help but imagining slapping her and seeing the shockwave travel all over her butt.

Alicia moved towards the left side of the car, making room for myself. Ben shut the door behind me the moment I had entered the car. The flashes now somewhat faded and the noise was largely cancelled out. I could still see them standing at my window, aiming their cameras inside, but unfortunately for them the windows were blinded. I saw two photographers taking place on the backseat of the motorcycles, ready to pursue us. Ben had now walked around the car and took place behind the wheel. Without putting his seatbelt on he accelerated quickly away.

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